Harry Potter and the Mystery of the Blue Box – Rewrite
20 years ago, the Invasion Fleet had received a signal from a scout ship – a ship thought long lost. It had crashed on Sol 3, the third planet of the Sol system, and after quite a few centuries, managed to re-establish contact with the Fleet. The scout ship reported that the planet was suitable for invasion, but before further communication could be made, the signal mysteriously ceased. Assuming hostile action, the Fleet had dispatched a reconnaissance ship to the Sol system, in order to survey the small planet and, if possible, discover what had happened to the scout ship, and evaluate whether the planet was still worth invading.
After reaching the Sol system, the ship immediately set course for Sol 3. Unfortunately, a rogue asteroid avoided detection by the ship's scanner, and a collision occurred, with the ship being critically damaged. Despite spiralling out of control, the automatic navigational circuits remained operational, and ensured that the ship maintained a rough, jerky flight path to the small, blue planet.
Hours later, the ship hit the outer atmosphere of the planet. By now, the ship's rough flight had rendered the crew unconscious, and as such, they could not enter the descent pattern. As the ship continued through the upper atmosphere, the intense friction heated the ship's hull, but luckily, the heat shields were still operational, and the extremity of the atmospheric entry didn't cause the ship to break up. To the inhabitants of the planet, the ship appeared to be a meteorite, albeit a particularly large one. Still, the inhabitants were untroubled, and resumed their activities.
It didn't take long for impact to occur...
Albus Dumbledore sat brooding at his desk, listening to the quiet whirring of the silver instruments that cluttered up his office, and the snoring of the portraits that lined the walls of his office. It had been a long and busy day, and he was grateful for the opportunity to relax and reflect on the day's events. The most troubling thing on his mind was his inability to find a candidate for the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Not that he could blame anyone after what had happened to every teacher who had held the post for the last 30 years...
A loud boom shook Dumbledore out of his thoughts, while Fawkes the phoenix flapped his wings in discomfort.
"What in Merlin's name was that?" yawned Armando Dippet's portrait as the paintings began to wake up. Before Dumbledore could answer, though, the whole room began to shake violently, causing several silver instruments to fall of their platforms and shatter on the carpeted floor below. Then, as abruptly as the disturbance began, it stopped. Frowning, Dumbledore took out his wand and repaired his instruments before looking out the window.
"That was quite a ruckus wasn't it, headmaster?" commented Phineas Nigellus, but the remark was ignored.
A bright light was blazing on the right, and it seemed to be growing larger. Albus watched, fascinated, as the light drew ever closer, and ever brighter. Finally, the intensity of the light became too much for Albus, and he raised a hand to block it out, but only fleetingly, as the light almost immediately faded, before and almighty crash shook the room a split second after. Albus tried unsuccessfully to keep his balance before he fell over, hitting his head on a table on the way down. Everything went black.
"Albus, Albus, are you alright?" asked Professor McGonagall, as she shook him awake.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine, Minerva," Dumbledore replied, standing up and dusting himself off.
"Whatever do you think caused that earthquake?" McGonagall said, as she looked around at the sight of Dumbledore's trashed office.
"I don't know," Dumbledore answered as he made his way to the door. "But I think it's time to find out."
Dumbledore and the other teachers surveyed the bubbling, steaming surface of the Black Lake.
"I think we can safely say that whatever caused the earthquake crashed in the lake, headmaster," said Severus Snape.
"So it would seem, Severus," replied Dumbledore. "In fact, I daresay that the object crashing into the lake was the cause of earthquake."
"In that case, then," interjected McGonagall. "What was the object?"
All the teachers glanced at one another.
"I'm afraid that I don't know, Minerva," said Dumbledore. "But I'm sure our friends in the lake will be delighted to help us with our enquiries."
McGonagall and the other teachers watched as he made his way over to the edge of the lake, and started calling to the merpeople in their own tongue, Mermish. After conversing with one of their number for some time, he made his way back to the group.
"The merpeople say that the object appears to be a large, orange coloured rock," said Dumbledore, slightly amused.
Professor Sinistra chuckled. "In that case, we got ourselves all worried about a meteorite!"
"So it would seem," squeaked Professor Flitwick. "In that case, I would suggest that we all head back inside, clean up, and retire for the night. There's no use hanging around here."
The other teachers all murmured their agreement, and headed back up to the castle together, dismissing the object in the lake from their minds.
It was a decision they would come to regret, as several days later, the reconnaissance ship's main computer bleeped into life. The crash had triggered an automatic response that placed the crew into 'amber sleep'- suspended animation. Unfortunately, the crash had also caused the power stacks to leak, thus leaving the ship with only a limited amount of auxiliary power. However, the main computer had detected a strange radiation emanating from a nearby castle and the surrounding landscape. Slowly, the computer began adapting its organic components so that it could use the radiation to repair the ship, and revive the alien crew...
Author Note: And I'm back! I know it's been over a year since the original version of this story finished, and that I promised a sequel soon but no fear! The sequel is currently being written, and I'm really happy with it so far. I can't see it being as long as this one, but it will really rock the Doctor's world.
The Rewrite of Harry Potter and the Mystery of the Blue Box is exactly that - a rewrite. So many things have been changed, added or removed that I consider it a completely different story. That being said, the overall plot is the same, but I've added things that set up the sequel, plus a few more details from Series 7. Also, this rewrite is around 45k words total - compared to the 40k of the original. Yes, a lot has been added!
I plan on updating this story roughly every week, as it gives me time to continue writing the sequel. However, if I get ahead of schedule for the sequel, I'll update more frequently.
Hope you enjoy the rewrite!