Author has written 1 story for Pirates of the Caribbean. Umm... I've always been a fan of so when I wrote my little POTC fic I decided to be a good little girl and post it here! I'm a massive Pirates and Lord of the Rings fan, and a fan of the common denomonator between those films (that's my dorky way of saying that Orlando Bloom is way fine) So yeah writing is good, Will Turner is hot and I'm gonna keep writing and maybe I'll be able to pull out a LOTR fic as well... eventually... Pirates first though...Oh and I have a new pet peeve... flamers who flame for the sake of flaming, who don't offer any advice, only harsh and unrealistic comments that really have nothing to do with the story. I mean if you hate a story that much why on earth when it gets to the tenth chapter are you still reading!!!!!!! Just leave it be and stop making yourself feel important because in all honesty we really don't care what you think cause it's not you were writing the story for! ON MY TO WRITE LIST!!!! 1. A remedy to that AGREGIOUS Buffy/Angel ending... SHIPPERS UNITE!!! 2. A LOTR Leggy fic about my time spent in New Zealand 3. A reflection of why I can never seem to get Nigel and Sydney from Relic Hunter together. 4. A sequel to Our Fine Hero 5. A Spider-man one shot I've been toying with |
Alicia Blade (39) arwentheelf02 (13) Aryea (0) Eena (3) Juliet Anders (13) | LordLanceahlot (49) Madame Nope (13) NightLight4 (2) | Sean Montgomery (20) Smurfette (0) TouchofPixieDust (49) |