Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. NAME: Tanya :) Age: 16 About me: I like chocolate. As does any woman. I love Dramione. As does any SANE person. I love a lot of stuff but I guess its too long to type. Damn. But basically: I LOVE: - Dramione - Feltson - Chocolate - Cute guys - Dance - Drama - Teddybears - Harry Potter Books I love: - Harry Potter - Agatha Christie - How to Salsa in a Sari - Percy Jackson - Immortals of Meluha - The Zoya Factor - Loads of other fun books. I'm just too pooped to type it out right now. Etc etc. Books I hate: - Twilight. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why someone would prefer that crappy vampire shit over Harry Potter. Harry Potter is possiblythat best thing that happened to me. And Twilight, the worst. You may wonder how Twilight affected me So much. It is because many brain cells of mine died that fateful day. Many. Pairings I read about: - Draco/Hermione - Draco Hermione - Dramione - DracoHermione - Heraco (okay, that was gay) - Ginny/Blaise (as long as the protagonists are Draco and Hermione) - Harry/Luna (as long as the protagonists are Draco and Hermione) - Harry/Ginny or Luna/Blaise (as long as the protagonists are Draco and Hermione) - Any sane seventh year pairing as long as the protagonists are Draco and Hermione - Any cute Lily/James ONESHOTS. Since I'm not a HUGE fan, I read cute oneshots of theirs :) Pairings I write about: - Must I really repeat the list? |