Author has written 11 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hello world! I am still alive. And kicking. I have not been on this profile for many a year and - as I stumbled upon it by sheer accident - I realized that I have left it in quite an unfinished state. This I am truly sorry for. There have been people writing me, people wondering and asking for updates. It is really a lame thing for me to do to leave all the stories unfinished. Yet, as I also realized, it is almost impossible to continue now. I just cannot get back into it anymore - and that even though I still can feel the past thrill of it and I still very dearly love those kinds of soulbonds. If I ever decided to continue any of my stories, though, I guess I'd have to rewrite them completely. So, my foremost change here is that I now wipe this slate clean: Do not expect any more updates to any of the stories. Even though I wish I would finish them, I guess I do not have enough time and energy to do it. These are projects I started about 10 years ago, and I, as a person, have just changed too much. I still want you to know that you, all writers and readers, have given me a brilliant time back then, I really had so much fun that I could weep at the memory of it. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and stop myself from leaving all this behind just because of stress with university and now with work. Well, Thank You, everyone. I hope you also had some fun with my old pieces. They are no jewels, I know there have been so much better stories out there, but I guess my heart is still in them somewhere. If you wish to leave me a message or still wish to get the missing scene of Chapter 7, Visitors, just write me an email: tarabamy@ . I'll get back to you for sure. Very Truly Yours, 18. July 2005: Sansi and me wrote a story in co-work, called "Crossing the Line, Travelling through Time". It is posted on her account because ffnet doesn't allow double posts. Here the link to her profile to make it easier for you to find it: LINKS: |