Child of Darkness
by Tara B Amy

Hi, all! I'm back with a new story! Hope you'll like it!

Maybe someone wrote something like that before, I'm not sure. And I don't know if the title was used before, so, sorry if it was!

Pairing(s): Yami Yugi/Yugi

Would you like Seto/Jou? Or Bakura/Ryou? Tell me! I like both, but if, then they will show up in the background only, not as main pairings.

Oh, one more thing! This is AU! ^^

Disclaimer: *takes deep breath* That's not an easy thing to say... *shivers* Yu-Gi-Oh! is not mine... *runs outside screaming*

Chapter One

It was dark, so dark. Deafening silence, so very loud, echoed through the sinister infinity. The shadows, swirling around him, hurting him, causing him to cower like a little child, seemed to reach out for him, but would never really get hold of his life, would never really end his pain and let him die.

It had been an eternity now, since he was being trapped in here, alone with the shadows and the never ending darkness. Alone in a puzzle, that nobody would ever solve. That was his curse. And he couldn't even remember why. So much time had passed, so many years, that he didn't have a clue about his life. It had been golden and full of... light... sun... What was that anyway? What was a sky? Strange words, though they sounded somewhat familiar. He used to say them as he first got here, but their meaning somehow faded.

But what he had learned to understand, was the meaning of one word: darkness. Dark, dark, dark, so dark. He felt the shadows crawl over his back, sneering silently at him. He hated them. They could read his thoughts and tainted them with poison.

He sank to the cold ground completely, withering in the grip of the shadows, as they caught him, hugged him, as if they tried to soothe him, but he knew better. They were too cold, too dark.

He wanted to go out of here, wherever he would be taken. He needed to go out! He knew, that his thoughts repeated themselves, they were the same, always the same. There was nothing else he could think of.

If someone would just come and rescue him... he would give them everything, gold, sun, light, sky, whatever that was, it seemed to be priceless. He needed it desperately, so it had to be valuable.

The sudden screech of the shadows around him caught his attention. He immediately listened intensely but there was no other sound to be heard. Nevertheless the shadows tightened their grip on his limb body possessively and held him down, as if he could run away from them. But that was ridiculous.

Though... they never had done that before...

His blank eyes grew larger as they began to scan his surroundings cautiously, not finding anything to look at. What was the last thing he had the honour to lay his eyes on? And would there ever be something he could lay his eyes on again?

Another time the shadows seemed to screech in rage. He didn't know why. He couldn't see anything. Why were they so upset?

"The last piece!"

His breath hitched at the sensation of... something... a voice? Was it that? A voice? He struggled against the shadows to get up, but their grip was fierce and they held on with a vengeance.

"Only one is missing!"

What did it say? It didn't sound anywhere near to familiar. The language was... odd. But he wanted to hear it again. It sounded like... sun, light and sky, whatever those things were. It sounded like something rare... like rain, though he didn't know that one, too. It was something precious, just that much he knew.

Have to go out of here...

He struggled again, the shadows' scream resounding loudly in his ears, but that didn't matter now. They didn't matter. He had to find out, where the voice came from.

Let go of me!

He pushed away the shadows with weak arms, his willpower rising slightly, as something strange flooded his mind... hope? Hope was something he didn't feel since... he didn't know since when. He couldn't remember to have felt such a powerful emotion in his life ever before.

"It's solved!"

There it was again! The voice was so near! He jumped to his feet, shoving off the shadows, and ran towards it.

"I finally did it! I solved it!"

It sounded alluring with its... he searched for a word that would fit, a word, he didn't use since he was being trapped here. And that was a long, long while now. It sounded so... so... just so... happy...

He stormed towards the voice, forced his legs to even run faster, gaining more of the old strength from the emotion obviously called 'hope'.

Then he had to suddenly press his eyes shut, as something seemed to attack them, hurt them with a painful stab. What was that?

He felt the ground give in and fear claw itself into his mind.

No! Please, no!

His unspoken prayer broke off, as he stumbled against something unstable and fell down onto it with a dull sound.

It felt strange. Not cold like the shadows. Not hard like the ground he was used to. In fact, there were no shadows wrapped around him anymore. The loss of them felt unfamiliar and left him uncovered. He nearly wished, they would come back. Nearly. Just nearly.

Because at the same time he felt free. And... the ground felt... warm. Warm. So warm.


The voice. It was the voice. It spoke directly into his right ear, in some sort of a whisper, shock clearly evident in it.

Wouldn't his eyes hurt so much, he would have opened them. Where was the darkness? And what was there instead of it? Why was it as hurting as the darkness before?

He shuddered and just snuggled closer to source of warmth, lying beneath him. A vivid, living warmth. Something he never had felt before, as long as he could remember. He clung to it desperately, not willing to let go of it ever again.

"Who are you?"

To Be Continued??

So, that was the first chapter. What do you think? I'm really sorry for the mistakes, I am from Germany, that should be enough of an explanation. If there are mayor mistakes, could you please tell me? It could take me a while now to do the second chapter. It's much easier to write in my native language.

As you surely figured, the first chapter was from Yami's POV and the voice was Yuugi's! That's it for now! Do you want me to write the next in Yami's POV again or in Yuugi's this time? It's your choice!