![]() Author has written 1 story for Walking Dead. I'm Violet. My friends and family call me Vi, but I answer to either one. I'm a simple person with simple likes and dislikes. My hobbies include writing, reading, writing, consuming various forms of caffeine, writing, listening to music, writing, going for long walks...did I mention writing? I love to write. Plain and simple. It's what I do in my spare time, and it's what I think about when I'm doing anything else. I don't plan to make a career out of it, because I'm not interested in getting my passions or hobbies mixed up with my financial life. I write for myself, and that's good enough for me. I find inspiration in a few different authors, such as J. K. Rowling, George R. R. Martin, Louis L'Amour, Richard Adams, and Stephen King. I know I could never emulate them, but their work gives me the influence I need to make my own writing better. A long time ago, I watched the first season of The Walking Dead, and for some reason, Jenna and Thao popped into my head. I started writing down my thoughts on that odd duo, and eventually, Lone Wolfe was started. And then I found FanFiction, figured out I'm not the only person in the world who actually liked Shane Walsh's character, and the rest is history. I've written multiple versions of Shane/Jenna, but Lone Wolfe is what I focus on the most. I don't plan on posting any of my other versions, but plans can change. So who knows? Anyway, that's really all you need to know about me. If you have any questions or concerns about Lone Wolfe, feel free to message me. Or, if you want me to read something of yours, let me know! I keep an open mind, so don't be shy. Just don't ask me to Beta for you, because I'll be completely unreliable. Story Photos: Because this site has apparently blacklisted ALL links EVERYWHERE, if you really want to see these character pictures, just copy/paste the links below & delete the spaces. Thao ht tps ://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg. com/originals/59/e6/04/ 59e604b11e 94be6d2c5872 b91f3898db. jpg Dusty ht tps ://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg. com/originals/df/47/47/ df4747014672 539df962565a 86c153ae. jpg Danny ht tps ://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg. com/originals/6a/2f/d6/ 6a2fd69e958306 a4a06caa cfde12c7a2. jpg Jenna ht tps ://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg. com/originals/78/e4/0e/ 78e40e71d 69c09e072e 43b1daa478dc2. jpg Red ht tps ://s-media-cache-ak0. pinimg. com/originals/c2/40/ab/ c240ab820e99 09ad322f 9322a0c14a30. jpg Playlist to go along with Lone Wolfe, generously created by Anasazi Darkmoon: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNoCsGac-SDNfot7ZMIYTHWl7Dv9ZQlWJ |