Reviews for Timshel
Drithligh chapter 4 . 8/3/2019
I'm enjoying this story, but there is NO way bullets from a .22 caliber weapon will work properly in a police officer's duty weapon, which is probably a 9mm, .38 or .45 caliber. Different bullet diameters (and lengths) are NOT interchangeable.
mishka2184 chapter 21 . 9/22/2017
The story is amazing. Unique storyline make it refreshing and easy to read.
I truly hope you finish it one day!
shika93 chapter 21 . 12/24/2015
Aw poor Daryl he needs loven chapter.
shika93 chapter 17 . 12/24/2015
Great chapter.
shika93 chapter 6 . 12/23/2015
Great chapter.
shika93 chapter 1 . 12/23/2015
Good beginning.
Straight Edge Queen chapter 21 . 8/5/2015
Lovely chapter! I'm so glad that Scarlett and Shane are back together. I can't say that enough. There are far too few well-written Shane/OC fics out there. Please update soon!
Ziggy Mo chapter 21 . 8/5/2015
I just caught up with the last 2 chapters you've posted. I'm very happy that Shane and Scarlett found each each other, and I'm pretty stoked for the conversation that I think she's going to have with Daryl and the with Shane about the whole situation with Daryl. I enjoy literary drama, so I hope it'll be comparable to the excitement found in Greek tragedy. Anyway, I love your story. Please keep writing!
Ashleyziur chapter 21 . 8/2/2015
I absolutely love this story! Keep up the good work :)
TS-19 chapter 20 . 7/22/2015
Oh my goodness! So glad you're back! I was detoxing from a lack of well-written Shane-fic. This chapter is awesome, but your plot-line is even better! Thanks for the update! Don't go anywhere again please!
Straight Edge Queen chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
I got so excited when I saw the email for this new chapter! Great chapter! I'm so glad they're finally reunited. I'm also relieved that you didn't abandon the story. Far too many Shane stories that I've read are left unfinished. I hope you update soon!
Ashleyziur chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
Ahhhh yay! I loved this update! Been waiting for it and so happy you updated! Can't wait for what's next :D
Anasazi Darkmoon chapter 20 . 7/19/2015
Yay! Glad to see you're back, and that they're back together! :D
BethF chapter 19 . 6/12/2015
This is an amazing story please continue it!
xxkaylakittyxo chapter 19 . 4/6/2015
Please hurry up and update soon!
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