Author has written 14 stories for Beyblade, Power Rangers, and Teen Titans. Well I figured this thing could use an update. It's not every day you actually complete a story, start on the sequel, and reach 300 total reviews altogether. Besides, the nice people who run the site are getting narked about long bios!!! =^_^= Stats Name: Castles in the Sky. (Castles for short.)Age: Somewhere around the time when one prepares for the BIG exams at skool. Gender: Surprisingly enough, female. Location: At a computer. Habits: Listening to too many songs for my own good health. Going mental in the company of my insane best friend, and on top of that fighting with my insane best friend too much for my health. _ Fav Pairings: (Beyblade) KaixRei. TysonxMax, LeexKev, TalaxBryan. (Teen Titans) BBxRaven, RobinxStarfire, RobxRae* *I am not necessarily a huge fan of this pairing, but I will write it. Yes, I am mad, Yes I should be locked up, Yes you want to run away now, Yes you are even more freaked out. Whilst you are recovering, please feel free to use the handy restrooms to your left. Fines will be charged for damages to property, and of course there is an admission charge of 70p. (Or a dollar, 'cause I think that's the equivalent!)Please stay as long as you want. *begins devising ultimate plans for destroying guests* Well, now that you are (hopefully) feeling rejuvenated, there is a handy exit just down the hall there. Please avoid entering any other rooms, where the next chapters of my brilliant stories may be being devised. (I like that word devised. =^-^=) Current stories: Fallen Wings: I’m typing!!! Satan’s Child Ii: Pending still…Sorry, I’ve hit a writer’s block.. ~ Castles |
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