
This is my second attempt at BeyBlade Fan Fiction, and the follow up to Eclipse. My favourite characters are Ray and Kai, so you'll find that they get more reading time then Tyson, Max, and Kenny, so I apologise in advance. Word of warning, I built up a small bond between Kai, Ray, and Lee in the last fic, and will be expanding upon this, so this fic may contain some shonen-ai in later chapters.

Thank you to Melanie of Level 4 Chaos for drawing the absolutely beautiful picture for this fic. The direct link to the pic will be found in Chapter 11 in which the pic is set, but if you are impatient then pay a visit to Melanie's site Warning: this site contains shonen ai, but some delightful images of all different Beyblade couples, as well as Digimon and other animes. Its worth a visit, trust me.

Note: The ages of the characters in this story are as myself and my sister see them in the series. Gary is 18. Kai, Ray, and Lee are 17. Mariah is 16. Max and Kevin are 14. Tyson and Kenny are 13. Remember, this is only the view of two people and you may not all agree, but this is their ages in this story.

Also, this is a continue on where the last fic left off. Kai and Ray are now fully recovered from their injuries and the American Tournament is now over. The results of the Tournament are included in the fic. The group are taking a small break to get over the events of the American Tournament, though they are still in America.

Disclaimer: I've said it before and I'll say it again: I do not own the characters.

"Aw man, I'm so full I feel like I'm going to burst."

"Yeah. Me too."

"But this food is so good."

"Almost as good as Mum makes."

"I've just got to have a little bit more…"

Kenny looked up from where he was leaning over his laptop and frowned. "I thought you just said you were too full to eat any more."

"No, I said I was so full I felt like I'm going to burst," Tyson reached and snagged another puff cake from the pile. "I never said I couldn't eat more. Right Gary?"

The elder boy nodded, taking a pastry in his hand and biting into it, the cream sliding out a hole in the side and catching in the corners of his mouth. "This is great."

In a chair by the fire, another teen sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head sadly as he returned his attention to his magazine hidden within his book, a small smile playing across his lips as he eyed off the car, or rather, the figure stretched out across the bonnet car. Talk about fully equipped…

A hand reached out and pulled the book from his hands, snapping up the magazine and looking down into it. "Lee!"

"What?" Lee reached up, snatching the magazine back from his pink haired teammate. "It's a nice car."

Mariah placed her hands on her hips and glared down at him. "You weren't looking at the car."

"Oh really? And how do you know that?"

Lee shot around as someone leaned over the back of the chair and grabbed the magazine, looking down at the image and raising his eyebrows. "Shame now Lee. What were you thinking?"

Mariah smiled.

"You could have at least got one where they were wearing a skimpy bathing suit or less."

Mariah's eyes widened, the smile abruptly vanishing. "Ray!"

Kevin looked up from where he was playing against Max on the playstation, green hair falling into his eyes as he looked toward his longtime friends. "Can I take a look?"

"Forget it!" Mariah glared at him. "And these two aren't going to look at it anymore, either."

Ray handed Lee back the magazine, smiling as his best friend rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm going to go see what Kai is up to."

"He's been in there for over an hour," Max said, then punched the air. "Yeah! Told you Gohan rules!"

Kevin growled, throwing down his controller. "This isn't how it happened. Majin Buu kicked Gohan's behind in the series."

"Play again?"

"Only if I'm Cell."

"You're on!"

Ray smiled faintly, turning and moving toward the corridor, leaving the commotion of the Blade Breakers and White Tigers behind him.

Well, that's the start. Seems like Lee and Ray are straight, right? Heh heh heh…

Note: The boys were playing Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22