Author has written 40 stories for Inazuma Eleven/イナズマイレブン, Naruto, Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. ?HIATUS? Let's face it, there's no forever in this world. I feel sad that most, I think ALL of my favorite Inazuma Eleven writers are not active anymore in this website because of personal reasons or just dead no inspiration to write. Of course I'm one of them in the past but when I came back and surprised that my IE FNN family is gone, I felt really really sad and somehow lonely. SO if I'm suddenly gone like last time, I will still come back! I dunno when but I'll come back whenever I feel the inspiration again! Even though FNN is not a popular website anymore unlike the time I first join here, I will still publish my stories here! This is where I started and I kinda wanted to keep publishing my cringey, derpy and stupid stories here, in this website, my Alma Mater? I guess? xD I don't care anymore. To the extent that nobody really reads this anymore~ In short, I'll still write/publish a story, don't worry~ But only when I feel like it or inspiration immediately come to me. Please expect that my stories are dumb as usual~ hihi~ And slow progress as usual~ yey~ I also accept story request~ But I have the right to deny your request, okay? Even though I watched so many animes, I'm not confident to write them all xD Feel free to follow me~ Let's be friends! Twitter/Instagram: sukkichan143 Tumblr: Snapchat: sukki_chan I still open my FFN account for checking PMs and reading fanfics. Feel free to PM/talk to me :) (For request inquiries, advice or just want to talk~) Formerly known as SarahNeeSan, Saranako, Izumi Saru, Asagi Sukki and Saranakun.I am also currently playing Love Live! School idol festival and Utano Princesama: Shining Live Both in ENGLISH/WORLDWIDE SERVER ONLY! I already gave away my JP accounts because it's hard to manage 2-4 accounts and phone storage ;w; So if you are playing those games, please consider adding me as your friend~ I still have a lot of room for more friends so yey~ If you guys are curious, my best girl is Kotori and best boy is Syo~ Gonna get all those beautiful cards of waifu and husbando~ LOVE LIVE! SCHOOL IDOL FESTIVAL : 703040185 UTANO PRINCESAMA: SHINING LIVE : 699771873 Whatever level you are, feel free to add me~ I just really need friends on those games ;w; Thank you! |