Author has written 7 stories for Ranma, and X-overs. No need for a bio, right? Just read and enjoy my work, okay? Due to some reviews (not that I'm complaining), I will now state that I write almost exclusively in AUs. Unless otherwise noted in the fic description, the fic will be AU. Thought I'd add a brief note: I have a page on fictionpress for my original fiction contributions under the same pen name, if anyone is interested. Fic Status: Negawarrior: In Progress Old updates here will be purged when there are more than ten. Update (11/27/8): After four years, here's an update for Blood and Darkness, just to show everyone that all of my fics are alive and kicking. : ) In any case, I'm moving that fic more into its supposed darkfic status, so please read, enjoy, and most importantly, review. Later, all. Reader Thank You (11/23/8): I just had to thank all of my readers for getting Negawarrior to 250 reviews, the most of any of my fics, and a new high for the story itself! Thank you all. Update (11/19/8): Another new episode for Negawarrior, yay! I updated the other episodes for grammatical problems and such, and of course, everyone will notice that I split 'The Quickening Tempo of Combat' into two parts. Also noteworthy, I think, is that Negawarrior has breeched the 150,000 word mark! In any case, read, review, and enjoy! Later, all. Update (10/13/8): For the first time, an update to Charon, and with it, an idea of where that fic is going! Thankfully, that means it is now 'In Progress' rather than stalled, so you can look forward to more. Hope you all like it. Later. Reader Thank You (5/6/8): I had to put this special thank you to all my readers, and especially to those of you who have Negawarrior on your Favorite Story lists, because Negawarrior is now the first of my fics to get one hundred favorites! Thank you everyone! Update (4/24/8): This time it's a new chapter for Family Curse, my very first fic. I've got eighteen some-odd chapters/parts outlined for this fic, and I've just posted a particularly difficult one. Let me know what you guys think about it. Also, this latest update pushes me over the 200,000 words posted mark! Thanks for reading. Later all. Update (4/22/8): Strange how old ideas can be reincarnated, and my old story, Disappearance has done just that. Under the new title, Shadows of Time, I have not only reposted the original prologue and first chapter, but I have also added a new chapter and have plans for at least one more on my outline, along with several future events that I have yet to parse into chapters. Also, thanks to everyone that has read Negawarrior since my latest updates; it is now my first work to get more than 30,000 hits! Well, I hope everyone likes my new work. Later. Update (4/19/8): Finally and at last, an update to my most popular fic: Negawarrior! Please read and enjoy (C&C is also always welcome). Ja ne. Update (4/2/8): Amazing; after almost two years with no updates, here's an update for Three! I hope everyone enjoys this, my return to authorship status. Also, this update allows me to eclipse the 200k word mark for my combined storys! Thanks for reading and later all. Life Update (3/9/7): It's been almost a year and nothing new... It sucks, I know. I've updated my bio to reflect my current situation, and though that isn't really an excuse for leaving you all hanging on Negawarrior (and other fics), at least I'm trying to come back. Since it's been so long since I've written, I'm rereading Negawarrior and, as per usual, I'm making some additions and changes. I'll be posting those once I have them all complete, and with any luck, I'll actually get back to writting new chapters. If I can possibly swing it, I'll post a new chapter by next month; at least, I hope so. Until later. |
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