![]() Author has written 21 stories for Torchwood, Kuroshitsuji, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Hannibal. Look at this thing I found it's so pretty and shiny What is it? My imagination key to my heart find it in my soul see the world through my eyes see how beautiful things can seem around every corner touch the colours, feel every hue of my wonderland feel every inch of my soul know what it is to be me! NOTICE:is currently looking for a beta reader for a doctor who fic. NOTICE UPDATE: Still looking for a beta reader NOTICE UPDATE: never mind Name: Jen, Gene or Starry (the day some one figures out where that particular pseudonym came from I will marry them!) Persuasion is when you can make a man eat his own leg, after you bake it off course. Sci-fi is just mythology with equations thrown in. Anything very interesting will invariable include doctors in it. And a badass chick, and a Dominatrix. Love is when you introduce someone to your cult favorite and they like it too (or maybe not) Fancy is when you hold a heavily beaded, gorgeous sari in your hands and can't afford it because it cost 5000 Likes: Bollywood, mythology/folklore worldwide (especially Indian, Irish, Japanese and West Indian), Manga/anime, Indian dance, novels, sensible erotica, slash pairings, photography, Bollywood music, fairies, antics/vintage seventies dresses, lolita (the fashion), fashion and couture Fandoms include: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock (the big trio), Hannibal, Lost Girl, Kuroshitsuji Others: The Dome, Grimm, Jerkll Open Wide The Fandoms are here. I hate chores, I am currently on real life anything hiatus which means i'm broke, not in education or employment. I have very slight social anxiety which I blame on the very epic time called how my life fell apart in a week. Death is miserable and needs to take a time out. Otherwise I'm a upbeat, optimistic person. And I love writing. I enjoy a good does of black humor any day. And if anyone asks my Favorite Doctor is Ten. Eleven's a close second. And I'm excited for August! Just started Game Of Thrones and Sanctuary |