Author has written 12 stories for Young Justice, Legend of Korra, and Avengers. I'd like to express my thanks for your interest in the works, and know that I don't claim the Copyrights or anything of the works we use as basis for writing. Hear that? I OWN NOTHING. NOT A THING. So don't...sue me or whatever. CURRENTLY ON HIATUS I apologize for this--everything is currently on hiatus due to life. Ships SPITFIRE!!! (From YJ) Iamy (39 Clues), Percabeth (Percy Jackson), Chalant/Magic Bird SuperMartian! Razor/Aya (Green Lantern: Animated Series) Aqualad/Batgirl (Young Justice) Jonah/Sinead (39 Clues) Steve/Peggy (Captain America) Sherlock/Irene (Sherlock Holmes: The Movie and the Series) Danny/Sam (Danny Phantom) Kyoya/Haruhi (Oruan High School Host Club) Waldo/Carmen Sandiego Tumbr: senselessobsessions COMING SOON TO A YJ FICTION NEAR YOU!!: The “What Should Have Been” Project!: Basically a munch of connected song based one-shots about what we wanted to happen with the couples. Couples include: MagicBird/Chalant/Robtanna/WHATEVAH!, Spitire (DUH!), AquaBat (My favorite non-cannon ship! Don’t judge…), and lastly! SUPERMARTIAN! Note: The “What Should Have Been” Project will not associate itself with Season 2 of Young Justice. At all. Sorry. NOTE 2: Rocket will not be paired with Aqualad at all. Sorry for those of you who love her and that ship, I love her too. But for the sake of my ship, I am not writing her in. Sorry. Don’t hate. NOTE 3: Will be updated infrequently and will probably confuse you guys so PM or review if you have any questions. Update 2: Scratch that last update! Not gonna happen! Sorry for the confusion! XD WANTED: A WILLING ARTIST!
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