AN: Once upon a time, there was a girl who got a bunch of Clintasha feels dumped on her. In order to overcome this feel attack, she went on Tumblr and asked the good people, and ANON people, for Clintasha prompts. And boy did she get them.
This wonderful prompt was given to me by the lovely alphakantspell. I hope you enjoy this Hogwarts AU. :)
Clint had this gift of barging in at the worst times possible. Natasha had been reading about this complex spell for quite sometime, and was to the point where she thought she had it memorized enough to actually perform it. She knew she could get into trouble if any of the professors found out she was doing it, but she wanted to try. Unfortunately, just as she started speaking, Clint barged in yelling something and she lost concentration, mixing up the words. This can't be good, she thought as mist started to form around her, slowly working its way up from her feet.
She had just enough to angrily yell his name before the fog enveloped her and she drastically shrunk in size.
"Oops." Was all Clint could say in reply. "Tasha?" he asked cautiously as the smoke started to clear. Tasha was no longer standing there though, in her place was a small, black widow spider. "Crap."
The spider started to run frantically in circles. Clint knew that she would do no good doing that. He got on his belly and got his face up close to the poor creature that was now Natasha. "Tasha, stop going in circles." he told her.
She stopped and threw a web at him, hitting him square on his nose. "Tasha!" he said as he disconnected the threads from his nose, unfortunately the web was still attached to her, so while he lifted up the web, she was lifted off the floor. When he saw what he had done he set her back down again. "Sorry, Nat." he told her.
He was pretty sure that she would be cursing at him in her native tongue if she was capable of forming words. He had to think quickly though, she needed to get put back into her regular form and fast or else his question to her would be hopeless. After a few seconds though, he had an idea, "Natasha, Natasha I have an idea!"
That got her spider-y attention. She stopped moving and looked at him expectantly. "I'm going to fix this but your going to have to trust me, alright?" she started jumping up and down and he took that as a yes. "Oh, and I need you not to bite me." he told her as he held out his hand for her to crawl into his hand. Slowly, she complied, crawling onto his open palm.
Clint smiled as he stood carefully and walked out of the room, walking briskly down the hallway as he cupped his hands around her delicate form, careful not to jostle her. Clint walked down corridor after corridor until he finally got to the office he was looking for. "Professor Coulson?" he asked.
The middle aged man looked up from the books open on his desk and looked up at the young Slytherin wizard. "What is it, Clint?"
He ignored Natasha's creepy legs trying to climb up and out of his hand in protest as he moved closer to the desk, showing Coulson the spider in his hand. "I accidentally transformed Natasha into a spider." he told him.
Coulson looked from the spider to Clint and sighed. "This is going to cost you ten points, Mr. Barton." Coulson said as he stood, grabbing his wand.
"I know, sir." Clint replied, looking at Natasha who, he could tell, was looking intently at him.
"Set her on the desk, I'll see what I can do." he instructed.
Clint complied, lowering his hand flat on the desk and allowed Natasha to climb out. He took a step back, wiping his hand on his robe trying to get the feeling of her eight legs off his hands.
Professor Coulson took a step back, raised his wand, and said, "Finite incantatem."
And with that said, Natasha started to transform back to her normal self. When she finished she ran her hands along her face and down her body, making sure all her limbs were attached. With her checklist complete, she turned to Coulson and said, "Thank you, Professor." she said.
He merely nodded and motioned for the both of them to get out of his office.
Natasha nodded and walked out quickly, Clint following after her. "I'm sorry-" but he was cut of by her pinning him against the wall.
"Why'd you do it? Why'd you take the fall for me?" She asked, blue eyes searching and angry.
"Because, we're best friends Nat, and it kinda was my fault." Clint told her.
She released him, satisfied with the answer, "Why exactly did you come barging in like that anyway?" she asked him as they continued their walk back to the Slytherin common rooms.
"I had to ask you a question." he mumbled.
She arched an eyebrow, "What was the question?" she asked.
"Would you…" he started.
"Would I..?" she said, stopping him and facing him. He was looking everywhere but at her. "Clint?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steadying himself. After a second his eyes flashed open and bored into hers with great intensity. "Would you like to join me and the guys and Pepper at going to Stark's for the holiday?" he asked her.
She didn't answer for a minute, purposefully torturing him, finally, after watching him squirm for a that time, she smiled. "Yes." she answered. And the smile she got in response was bright enough to light the whole corridor.
AN2: Review? :D