Author has written 107 stories for X-Men: Evolution, Star Wars, X-Men, Stargate: SG-1, Harry Potter, and Hellblazer. Hey! I write mostly X-men these days, and almost exclusively Pryde/Wisdom. However, if you stick around long enough, occasionally some Kitty/Kurt will pop up. It's multi-shipping I know. shrug I also write Star Wars, SG-1, Hellblazer, Harry Potter and a myriad of others. To anyone reading my older stories, primarily the X-men Evolution and Young Jedi Knights, beware. I was new and they're not very good. In fact, they're terrible. However, I keep them up for posterity and so that I can read them and laugh. You've been warned. For those of you wondering, I used to be Bamfchica. I changed the name several years ago, but if that's who you are looking for, then you found her. If you want to read any of my more adult coughsmutcough fics, you are welcome to check out my livejournal for fic. kit_ Enjoy! |
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