Title: Amends

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Harry/Ginny


Summary: Ginny attempts to right some wrongs.

A/N: July 15, 2000

Ginny Weasley was, as Harry had decided all the Weasleys were, a bonafide nymphomaniac. She was a textbook addict, and Harry was all too happy to oblige. It wasn't as if he were adverse to the situation. However, Ginny was not usually one for overly physical gestures of a comforting sense.

She would curl up on the couch and watch a movie, and she would hold his hand or lean her head on his shoulder on a lazy afternoon at The Burrow, but she was not, and never would be, a snuggler. She slept by herself in their bed for the most part. She would allow him to throw an arm over her waist, but she was not terribly fond of his tendency to wrap around her like what she jokingly referred to as a 'starfish with mad hair'.

And so, it came as a massive surprise to Harry when, while he stood in the kitchen eating a muffin, and seemingly minding his own business, he was surrounded by long, thin arms as Ginny plastered herself to his back in a death grip hug like a ginger starfish.

"Hi." He smiled when she didn't appear to be planning on saying anything.

"Hullo." She murmured, her voice muffled against his back.

"Hiya." He repeated, beaming for no apparent reason.

They stood like that for a moment, with neither of them having any inclination to move.

"You're brilliant, Harry." She spoke suddenly, but quietly, her breath puffing against his ear and raising goosepimples on his skin. "You are brilliant. You are brave, and decent, and strong, and funny, and sexy, and tremendous. I love you more than I love oxygen or even quidditch. You were given the rawest of raw deals and you in no way deserved it, and I want you to put down the muffin and come with me so that I can do everything in my power to try to begin to make up for the fail of the universe at large."

Harry didn't so much as put the muffin down as it fell to the counter, missing the plate, but he didn't care. He could clean that up later.

He'd been cleaning up, and taking care, and saving the day for as long as he could remember. Apparently, it was time to reap the reward.

It was exceptionally rewarding.