Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter, Legend of Dragoon, Good Omens, Les Miserables, Final Fantasy VII, and Final Fantasy VIII. Hey everyone! I am feeling so on top of the world right now! Not like I'm high, 'cause I'm not. Ok, I'm really into humorous fanfics, but all this well done sad stuff on here is getting to me. I love Scottish accents and Irish people. Ewan McGregor rocks this earth. I enjoy shiny cars and being very hyper, which I am most of the time. Obi-Wan Kenobi is God (not really, but still). Swiss Chard is a really cool veggie and salt makes you thirsty. I hope aliens land here sometime in the next year and the old Star Trek is way better than the new ones. Anyway, that's me!Favorite Characters: Is not "Everybody's Fool", by Evanescence, the perfect song for Cloud and Sephiroth? I think so. Clearly. ps. You should check out anything written by Chess, Zela, or beorn J too (and Heather Cat, if you like FF7). Those stories rock! |