Half way through the first year at Hogwarts, James and Sirius are doing homework:

James: Hey Sirius, have you noticed anything odd about Remus?

Sirius: No. You?

James: No. Just asking. He's sick a lot, huh?

Peter: (Running in) What are you talking about?

James: Remus. Have you noticed anything about him, you know, unnatural?

Peter/Sirius: No.

James: Oh. Good. I'm glad to get that cleared up.

Lily: (Walking up) Hey James! Hey everyone. You look thoughtful. What happened?

James: Nothing. I just have this strange feeling that we don't know something about Remus.

Lily: Like what are you talking about?

James: Hmm . . . not sure, just some kind of secret.

Sirius: Maybe he's a super hero by night!

James: Nah.

Peter: I don't think there's anything.

Lily: Haven't you guys noticed that he goes away for the night once a month?

James: Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

Sirius: Maybe he's a psycho killer . . . once a month!

James: That doesn't seem likely.

Sirius: Maybe he's a girl!

James: Don't think so.

Peter: Maybe he . . .

James: Anyway, why do you all think he does that? Plus, he's sick all the time.

Peter: I was saying, he could . . .

Sirius: Ok, maybe he's an elephant!

Lily/James: What?

Sirius: I dunno. I was out of ideas. You got anything, Peter?

Peter: Yes! I've been trying to say that he might . . .

Lily: Wait, wait, I've got an idea!

James: Yeah?

Lily: We could . . . dun dun dun . . . ASK HIM!

James/Sirius: Nah.

Peter: You guys, I think . . .

Remus: Hey everyone! What's going on?

Lily: We were just talking about, well, you.

Remus: What about me?

Lily: Well, you get sick a lot . . .

Remus: Oh.

Lily: And you go away once a month . . .

Remus: Yeah.

James: And you always know when the full moon is . . .

Remus: Um, yeah.

Sirius: So basically, we have no idea why.

Remus: What? You can't be serious.

Sirius: I'm very Sirius! Always am!

James: And you always get nervous when werewolves come up in Defense Against the Dark Arts . ..

Remus: Uh huh.

Lily: And you are always talking to the nurse about something secret . . .

Remus: Yes yes.

Peter: Yeah, what I was trying to say was . . .

Sirius: Really, what does it all mean?

James: We crave to know.

Lily: We can't figure it out


Remus: I don't believe this. You really can't?

James/Sirius/Lily: No.

Peter: But I . . .

Remus: Think about it for a minute. It'll come to you.

James: Hmm . . .

Lily: Huh.

Sirius: Maybe . . . no.

Peter: I think that . . .

Remus: Keeping thinking. You're bound to get it.

James: Just tell us.

Lily: Well, you're always hurt when you come back in the morning before you get to hospital wing .

. .

James: And you said one time that werewolves weren't evil, even though he thought they were . . .

Sirius: I'm still getting nothing.

Peter: Yes, which means . . .

James: There must be some clue that could lead us to know, I just can't think of it.

Lily: I just know we're missing something we should know about.

Peter: Yeah, you guys . . .

Sirius: This is bugging me now.

James: Let's see what else there is . . .

Lily: This is hard. Give us a hint?

Remus: Ok, here's a hint: I'M A BLOODY WEREWOLF!


James/Sirius/Lily: Oh . . .

James: He's a werewolf . . .

Sirius: Yeah, one of those . . .

Lily: Yeah, we should have know . . .

Peter: I knew!

James: It was so obvious.

Remus: Uh huh! Geez, I have to spell everything out for you.

Lily: So . . . what happens now?

Remus: Now I act all upset and say I'll leave if you feel uncomfortable around me.

James: Then what?

Remus: They you comfort me and say no way, you're still my friends.

Sirius: Cool. Then what?

Remus: Tell you what. We'll work it out when we get there.

James: Ok, go ahead.

Remus: (Clearing throat) Ok, I'll leave now, if you feel uncomfortable around me.

James: No way!

Sirius: We're your friends, really. There's no reason to go.

Lily: Yeah, you should have told us. We're your friends, right?

Remus: Yeah, ok, next time I get bitten I'll tell you. You're right.

Sirius: How 'bout a group hug now?


James: How 'bout not?

Lily: Yeah, that works.

Remus: Cool. Are we all ok now?

Peter: I was before.

James: Yeah, we're ok. I can't believe known of us saw this before!

Peter: I DID!

They all look at him

James: Then why didn't you say anything?


Peter runs out. They all shrug and go back to doing homework.