Author has written 7 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Inuyasha. yawn=...=stretches=...=looks around= Who reads these things?...=raised eyebrow= Updates: 1-30-05: The Half-Way Home Cafe added. When will there be updates for my other fics=shrugs= Don't know. 3-20-05 One shot Unexpected added in loving memory of my best friend Cosmo. Next chapter to Half-Way Home Cafe partially finished Next chapter to The Secret Society of Trunks Briefs partially finished (I'm trying to write longer chapters). No update in sight for Beautiful. Been debating on whether I should take it down or not...=sigh= Sentimental reasons are holding me back. Darkness Swirling had not been dropped. I've just been busy...but I do love it. =Sigh= Haven't started working on the next chapter though. Oh, wow...I have another fic. O_O...Lol. Well...since I forgot about Crimson Drops of Rain you can imaging how that’s going... Ohhhh...=gets all excited= I know its so very very bad of me but I have a fic in the process...and it's wonderful...abso-fucking-lutely wonderful. I'm not going to post it until the whole thing is finished since I seem to have this problem with Well, and I probably won't post it here...since it's pretty dirty. But, for anyone who does read this I will tell you when I post it and where so you can hunt it down. _ |