I don't own dbz . Is that good enough for you?


The boy looked dejectedly outside the extensive filmy window, gazing forlornly at the three people out on the vast green lawn. Three, not four, three. Every so often he wonders if they forgot about him. Forgot they even have a son. But why would they need one after all? All they require is their beloved darling girl, Bra! The rage boiled inside him and before he could help it his hand flew outwards and slammed into his black wall creating a large gap in his room. He had painted the walls black himself about a month ago, when he thought his room looked too happy. It wasn't him. But who was he anyway? He never use to be this angry. Yet at the same time he could feel the sadness weigh down on him, crushing. Its messed up when you don't even know yourself anymore.

A shriek of laughter brought him swiftly back to reality and he growled to himself as he saw his father swing his sister into the air. For fuckin sakes! The girl was eight, not four! Hell, he was lucky if his father even smiled at him when he was her age, let alone touch him. His mother laughed and whispered something into his fathers ear. He couldn't help but growl more. All his memories of them two were them fighting or mom crying! Bra had it so good. So good.

He use to at least be able to pretend he was happy, to in away tolerate the life he had. That was until she was born. He never use to hate her either. In fact, he was excited to become a big brother. The first time he saw Bra all her wanted to do was protect her, shelter her from the world. He spent the first night she came home asleep under her crib so she wouldn't become scared. That all changed after a few months. He couldn't stand how his father would smile at her, play with her, and at night whisper how special she was. When he was a child Vegeta was never even home, and when he was he never even acknowledged that he had a son. At the time he thought that was just how his father was but Bra proved him wrong, so wrong. He use spend hours in the mirror trying to figure out what was wrong with him, what she had that he didn't. Finally, he just stopped looking. It was pointless.

He could have dealt with it if it was just his dad but everyone forgot about him. The little group that his parents hung out with and he grew up with just changed. Every time they came over no one would talk to him, they would just coddle his little sister. They didn't expect him to care, they wanted him to become a model of his future self, the one that would sit gladly in the corner and smile. But he wasn't him. Sure they looked the same but in no way had the same personality. Why couldn't they understand that?

His mother was the worst. She was his pillar of strength, the one who would reassure him that he was loved. She didn't seem to change really when Bra was born, she just didn't pay that much attention to him. He understood though, she was a new mother who's instinct was to nurture her child. Nevertheless, he believed that she loved him, cared about him. That was until she forgot his thirteenth birthday.

He could remember it like it was yesterday, still taste the bitterness it left in his mouth. He was so excited to turn thirteen, all his friends were already older and they were all in the Tri-State Football Team. He wasn't on it because you had to be thirteen to join, however, that year he was in luck because the last day for sign-ups was his birthday, he would just make the cut. He reminded his mom everyday to be there to sign him up, he needed parental permission, and everyday she promised she would make it.

He spent that birthday sitting alone on a bleacher waiting for his mom to show up until twelve a.m. She never did. Instead she spent the day treating Bra to shopping, candy, and ice cream because she "fell on the big bad sharp rocks and gosh a boo-boo her wittle knee." After that his "cool" friends didn't really talk to him anymore, he wasn't a part of their team. What hurt the most was that the next year his mother and ChiChi decided to surprise Goten with the gift of signing him up for The Tri-State Football team, they didn't think he would mind.

He sighed then threw himself on his large oak bed, adorned with black silk sheets. It creaked under his weight and began to slid forward a bit. He had broken it last weekend in a drunk rage. Luckily no one was home at the time. He slid his hand underneath his bad until it came into contact with what he was searching for. Playboy Magazine. Just what he needed in a time like this. Reclining back he flipped open the magazine and glanced at the clock. In a half an hour he needed to go meet his boys in the alley.

He could only half concentrated on the magazine in his hand, the laughter coming from outside his window grating his nerves slowly. He decided to give it up and threw the mag on the floor and since he had nothing else to do put on his shoes and resolved to go meet everyone a little early. As he walked out the door he couldn't help to wonder how no one noticed anything strange with the way he acted. His life held so many dark secrets that some days he felt like he was going to explode. On the other hand, how could anyone think the sweet, innocent Briefs boy could do anything but smile and nod? He was good, and he damn well knew it. What he didn't know was that soon everything he had built to protect himself, his secret life, would begin unravel in front of his very own eyes, to the shock of everyone.


So what do you think? I was going to make this a one shot but decided not to. By the way Trunks is fifteen but will get older and Bra is eight. I closed the age gap a bit. Please review. Thank you.