The Final Act:

Everything was silent in the room as soon as Souta appeared. He looked on to see the faces he hadn't seen in years – his elder sister Kagome, his brother-in-law Inu-Yasha, and Kagome's friend Sango and her son Reichou (strangely enough, Sango's husband Miroku wasn't present). It was silent for a few minuets until Souta began to speak.

"We are gathered here this day to unite this man, Akumashugi, and this woman, Tsuki, in holy matrimony which is an honorable estate," Souta said.

It had been only a week after the affair with the demons and the jewels.

"Into this, these two now come to be joined,"

Akumashugi had teleported Tsuki and Shugotenshi back to the Higurashi home. Kagome and Inu-Yasha were overjoyed to have their daughter back.

"If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace,"

Inu-Yasha had not approved of the marriage, but wanted his grandchild to have a father. He remained silent as Souta paused.

"Who give this woman to this man?"

"I do," Inu-Yasha stated quietly, almost choking on his words. He looked at Tsuki with a look of longing pain in his eyes – to see his 16-year-old daughter so young a beautiful bride. He then glanced a little at Kagome, who was holding baby Shugotenshi.

"Akumashugi," Souta said, "will you have this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony?"

Sesshoumaru and Kikyo said they would remain the second world only for a little while (or to at least see the wedding).

"Will you love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?" Souta asked.

Kagome and Tsuki had slept and eaten little while preparing the makeshift wedding in the backyard.

"I will," Akumashugi answered.

Kagome had even talked her younger brother Souta into being the priest.

"Tsuki," Souta said, "will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony?"

Ever since the death of their grandfather, Souta decided he would be just like him.

"Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live?"

Tsuki wore her mother's old wedding dress. Akumashugi wore his best kimono.

"I will," Tsuki answered.

Sango had arranged the colors, flowers, and other arrangements for the wedding. Rin was the flower girl. Shippou was the ring bearer. Shukuen was Tsuki's 'bride's maid' of sorts. Everyone turned their heads a little to see little Rin walking down the aisle scattering flowers. She wore a blue and white kimono. Sesshoumaru smiled as a little as he watched his adopted daughter go down the aisle, but glowered when he saw Shippou walking next to her. He gave him one of his 'you touch her and you die' glares.

"Behold the symbol of wedlock," Souta said. Shippou kneeled and presented the rings on the pillow he was carrying, "The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of this man and this woman united here today. May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love,"

Akumashugi gently took the rings.

"Please joins hands and repeat after me," Souta instructed. Akumashugi and Tsuki held hands, "I, Akumashugi take Tsuki as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part,"

"I, Akumashugi," Akumashugi said as he placed the ring on Tsuki's finger, "take Tsuki as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part,"

"Repeat after me," Souta instructed again, "I, Tsuki, take Akumashugi as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part,"

"I, Tsuki," Tsuki said as she placed the ring on Akumashugi's finger, "take Akumashugi as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part,"

"For as much as Tsuki and Akumashugi have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends and family," Souta said, "and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands. By the authority invested –"

A loud wailing filled the area. Souta stopped speaking. Kagome rocked and held Shugotenshi, trying to keep the infant quiet, but she kept on crying. Tsuki sighed and made an apologetic face at her uncle.

"Excuse me," Tsuki said quietly. She walked down from the platform and towards her mother. She gently took Shugotenshi into her arms and held her. As soon as she was back with her mother, Shugotenshi stopped crying. Tsuki then quietly walked back up the platform and smiled, trying to make it seem as if nothing had happened at all, "Continue please,"

"By the authority invested in me by the city of Tokyo, I now pronounce you husband and wife," Souta stated, "You may now kiss the bride,"

Akumashugi embraced Tsuki in a kiss like he had done so many times before but this kiss was different – it seemed to be a kiss that would keep them intertwined and enlaced forever. Everyone clapped and cheered.

The wedding reception was small and held in the backyard. The bride and groom chatting with family and friends about several different things. Rin didn't like all the noise and fuss that was going on and found herself sitting alone at a table. She saw Shippou approach her. He offered her a cup and Rin took it. Shippou then gurgled something and Rin sighed.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't give you speech," Rin said, looking to cry, "I know how inconvenient it is to be mute,"

'Don't worry about it,'

Rin blinked. She looked at Shippou, "Did you…?"

'It seems that when my soul melded with Tsuki, Reichou, and Shukuen's,' Shippou answered, 'we became joined in a way. Or joined enough to at least give me some sort of jolt to my already existing demonic powers. Whatever the reason, I don't need my mouth to speak,'

Rin smiled, "That's good,"

A few feet from Rin and Shippou, Sesshoumaru was glowering. Kikyo stood next to him.

"I don't like him," Sesshoumaru growled, folding his arms.

"She's at that age, Sesshoumaru," Kikyo said, "She's going to want to talk to boys,"

"That's what Kagome said about their child and look happened," Sesshoumaru muttered.

Kikyo paused, "Rin! Come over here!"

Reichou wanted to be away from all the noise and laughter that was going on. Deep inside, he was still aching. He was still upset and unsettled about Shukuen, about his father, about everything. His mother was trying to act all happy and nice while deep down inside she was crying out for her son and husband. Reichou sighed as he walked away from the wedding in an aimless direction – looking down at his feet, remembering the pain that haunted him.

Reichou felt lost. He didn't know what to do. There was no one that could help him and there was no one that would help him. Reichou felt the cold wind at his back and he looked up to find that he had wandered into what looked like the park – except the trees were thicker and closer. Everything seemed claustrophobic.


Reichou looked around. He tried to find the voice. It was like a wraith coming to him from its warm freshly dug grave; trying to lead him down to the gates of hell.


"Who…who's there?" Reichou said. He felt the air grow cold.


Reichou turned around, trying to find the source of the voice. He saw out of the corner of his eye a figure shrouded in a dark cloak, the color of the night sky. It had grown dark and it was hard to see the face under the cloak, but Reichou could make out the glowing red eyes underneath.

Reichou…it uttered.

"What…what do you…want?" Reichou gasped, shaking all over. He felt fear. He felt the same fear that had splashed through his veins on that night. That terrible night. Reichou was shaking all over and he felt like he was going to faint or wet himself.

I want what you want…it uttered again.

"What…what I want?" Reichou panted. He then felt his knees buckle, "Are…are you a demon?" He then held up his hands in defense. "Please! Please don't hurt me!"

I will not hurt you, Reichou…I could have done that from before…it uttered again, Reichou, I see the pain in your eyes…I see the fear…I know what ails you…I know what he did to you…he had no right, Reichou…he deserves to be punished…harshly…

Reichou felt tears forming in his eyes, "…but…Shukuen…my friend…"

Would a friend hurt you like that, Reichou? Would a friend do something so cruel and violent to you? it said. Reichou, you must avenge yourself. You must avenge your innocence. I will help you, Reichou. I will help you regain your power and avenge yourself. Isn't that what you want, Reichou? Vengeance?

Reichou paused. Time paused.

"Yes…" Reichou clenched his fist. "…yes that is what I want…the only way for me to live with myself would be revenge…teach me your ways,"

The cloaked figure nodded, So shall it be. Take my hand, my student, and your lessons shall begin.

The cloaked figure extended out a thin, ivory, hand. Reichou wasn't sure at first. Then he remembered the pain and the anguish that Shukuen had caused him and he thrust out his hand towards the cloaked figure and gripped his hand.

Reichou and the figure disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Shukuen paused. He felt a sudden pain in his chest and he paused. Kagome noticed he had stopped talking and looked at him.

"Shukuen? Are you okay?" Kagome asked.

Shukuen nodded, "I'm fine, Mom," Kagome shrugged and went on talking with Sango. Shukuen felt a burning from his right hand. He looked at it to find that the tips of his fingernails were starting to grow out and sharpen. Shukuen looked quizzically at them, but then hid the hand when Tsuki came by. He smiled at his older sister, the beautiful bride, holding his niece in her arms.

"Hey, Shukuen," Tsuki said. Shugotenshi gurgled up at Shukuen, "Shugotenshi says hello also,"

"Hi, there," Shukuen said gently as he used his left hand to play with Shugotenshi's little palm. Shugotenshi fiercely gripped his finger. Shukuen made a face as he tried to retrieve his finger, "…um…Tsuki…she won't let go of me…"

"Sorry about that," Tsuki said, "She's got a little bit of grip. Okay, sweetie, let go of your uncle," With a little coaxing from Tsuki, Shugotenshi eventually let go. Tsuki then kissed her infant and smiled at Shukuen. "How are you doing? You've been acting a little weird lately,"

"I guess its Reichou," Shukuen sighed, "I…I think he's avoiding me but I don't know why. Before, he was afraid to even let me touch him. I think I did something, but I don't remember doing anything to him," He made a face. "Maybe he just doesn't like me…"

Tsuki patted her brother on the shoulder, "Oh, relax, Shukuen. Didn't you hear? Sango and Miroku are having a divorce, and divorces make people act funny. Give him some time,"

Shukuen sighed, "…I guess so…" He then changed the subject. "Where are Akumashugi and you staying in the house?"

"We're turning the guest bedroom into our room. When Shugotenshi is old enough, she'll have yours – you'll probably be in college by then. For now, you'll have the room for yourself,"

"Wow…we've always shared a room. It's going to be weird when I'm all alone there,"

"Relax," Tsuki laughed, "Fukakai will keep your company,"

Shukuen laughed too, "As if that cat likes me!"

"Hey, can we talk?"

Akumashugi looked up from the cup of champagne. He saw Inu-Yasha standing on the other end of the table. Akumashugi gave a nod and Inu-Yasha sat at the chair on the other end of the table. Akumashugi could feel some of the alcohol coursing in his veins, but he did his best to try and keep his head.

"I suppose we should try and settle our differences since you're going to be living with us now," Inu-Yasha grumbled, "I won't say that I'm angry with you or anything like that – I just want to know something: do you truly love my daughter?"

Akumashugi tilted his head and paused, "Mr. Higurashi, if I didn't love your daughter, do you think I would be here right now? Most guys at my position in my age would have left Tsuki as soon as she told me she was pregnant. Most guys would have left the country. But I didn't. I stayed with her. I'm marrying her. And I'm going to keep on staying married to her for the rest of my natural life," He then took a sip of champagne. "I love Tsuki. I love our little Shugotenshi. What more proof do you need?"

Inu-Yasha said nothing.

Akumashugi continued on talking, "Tell me something, Mr. Higurashi, do you hate because I got your daughter pregnant or do you hate me because I'm the spawn of your greatest enemy?"

Inu-Yasha paused. He then looked away, "…let's just say I'm having trouble deciding between the two,"

It was some hours after the party. Everyone had gone home. Sesshoumaru, Kikyo, and Rin returned to Sengoku no Jidai. Akumashugi helped Tsuki up to their new bedroom. Tsuki carefully had Shugotenshi in her arms. The bedroom wasn't much at the moment with just a bed and cradle in it, but it would do for now. Tsuki gently put sleepy Shugotenshi in her crib and observed her for a few minuets until the baby fell asleep.

"She's going to be very beautiful when she grows up," Akumashugi said as he kissed Tsuki on the cheek.

Tsuki sighed, "Don't talk about her growing up right now. I'm stressed enough,"

Akumashugi smiled and led Tsuki away from the crib and into bed, "I suppose this isn't much of a honeymoon considering how Shugotenshi is here,"

"I'd rather not have sex, anyways," Tsuki said as she kissed Akumashugi, "The doctor said that it would be some days before I could,"

Akumashugi made a disappointed face but cuddled his wife. Tsuki smiled and turned out the light. She listened to the sound of her infant breathing steadily as she slept and Akumashugi kissed her neck. She saw through the window the round and silver moon watching over them like a great eye.

Shugotenshi was crying. Tsuki growled and got out of bed to find that it was nearly dawn. Akumashugi grumpily rolled over in bed, putting a pillow to his ears to blot out the sounds. Inu-Yasha was angrily complaining down the hallway about the noise and Kagome was yelling at him for complaining about their grandchild. She could hear Shukuen sleepily walking around – knowing that he would never get back to sleep now.

Tsuki made a face as she changed Shugotenshi's diaper and nursed her in the rocking chair. Akumashugi mumbled a 'good morning' and headed downstairs to go make himself breakfast. Tsuki looked out the window to see that the sun was rising over yet another day in paradise.


That's it, fans! The end! The final act! The big finale! The end of 'Moon and Destiny'! I'd like to thank all those that reviewed this story and gave me the energy to keep on going (even when I had a terrible case of writer's block!). (sends out hugs and kisses) Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! As for a sequel, it may or may not come into existence. I am debating. Thank you all of you people out there. Thank you reviewers. Thank you Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you o great muse of mine. Thank you everybody. Good-bye.
