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Joined Sep 24, 2011, id: 3281964, Profile Updated: Aug 26, 2020
Author has written 5 stories for Undertale, Cave Story, Earthbound, and Minecraft.

I'm MetroidMan101! I'm far from a professional writer, but I love seeing stories play out, tie together, and capture the audience as they unfold and I hope I can achieve the same effect in my own works. I have a particular enjoyment for adapting video games to writing, as well as introducing a few elements of my own to keep it fresh.

Current stories:

The Usurpation War (Minecraft)

An invasion force from parts unknown has entered the Minecraft world, intent on conquering all in its path. The Usurpation, as they call themselves, seek Genesis Cores: artifacts of incredible power. Can a small team of heroes from all walks of life figure out a way to aid the fight against the invaders?

One-Shots in the Caverns (Cave Story)

Assorted stories about Quote, Curly, and Malco. Not consistently updated.

Completed stories:

Among Monsters- An Undertale Novelization

A human child traverses the caves beneath a mountain, encountering the mysterious inhabitants along the way.

A Tale in the Caverns- A Cave Story Novelization

Quote's journey across the island in the sky, now in written form! It's been done before, but I've added my own spin to things with certain characters. He won't be alone for the adventure this time...

Wisdom, Courage, Friendship- An Earthbound Novelization

Four kids join together to fight an alien menace, how complicated can it get? As it turns out, this is not exactly the Earthbound you may know.

Ideas for future stories (which I may or may not go through with):

Currently Untitled Crossover- Undertale/Cave Story/Earthbound universe

Following my novelizations, this story will tie all three into one universe and serve as a sequel to them all! This project is my most ambitious yet, and planning will take a while.

Perseverance- Undertale universe

The completed journal of Abigail Zinnia, the fourth human to fall into the monster world.

Among Humans- Undertale universe

As Frisk travels through the underground, a lone monster remains on the surface world, seeking out Mt. Ebott.

Canceled in favor of the crossover.

Eternal Explorers- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon universe

Set after the events of Super Mystery Dungeon, a hotheaded Ralts and an amnesiac Porygon begin a new adventure.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Under Story by Zennistrad reviews
One year has passed since the disastrous research mission to the mythical Island in the Sky. With Ballos defeated and the Demon Crown destroyed, the island and its inhabitants return to their peaceful existence. But when the magic seal on Mt. Ebott is broken and monsters begin living on the surface, the Island's true nature and relationship to monsterkind is revealed.
Crossover - Cave Story & Undertale - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 58 - Words: 126,822 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 133 - Updated: Apr 1, 2020 - Published: Nov 2, 2015
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Guiding Light by Ambyssin reviews
Stop me if you've heard this one before. You wake up somewhere you don't recognize, only to find you've been turned into a Pokémon! Before you know it, you're off on a globe-trotting adventure. Dream come true, right? Well, for one human, that dream quickly turns into a waking nightmare. Can he fend off an otherworldly force threatening to rip the fabric of reality apart?
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 125 - Words: 1,042,540 - Reviews: 1359 - Favs: 445 - Follows: 400 - Updated: Feb 17, 2020 - Published: Oct 15, 2017 - Riolu, Type: Null, Alolan Vulpix - Complete
Finding Home by Imagigamegirl reviews
Hat Kid was a simple girl, finding her way back home with all Time Pieces in hand. But a nearby planet had other plans for her. Join Hat Kid as she journeys through a new world. Making new friends and enemies, exploring new places, and trying on new hats. Rated T just in case. Basically a narration of the game, but with some extra details to add a bit more to the story.
A Hat in Time - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 31 - Words: 105,792 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 107 - Follows: 64 - Updated: Sep 28, 2018 - Published: Apr 4, 2018 - Complete
Fast Love by Coli Chibi reviews
Samus is tired of male Smashers flirting with her. But what happens when she meets one guy who sees past the pretty face and shows her how to have fun? How will she react. SonicxSamus. Rated T for perverts, violence, and some swearing. R&R!
Super Smash Brothers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 31 - Words: 76,274 - Reviews: 306 - Favs: 165 - Follows: 90 - Updated: May 14, 2011 - Published: Feb 19, 2010 - Samus A., Sonic - Complete
Life by Wyrmseeker reviews
During the Aether mission, Samus runs into a Pirate—one that she cannot bring herself to kill. Angsty little one-shot.
Metroid - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,243 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 3 - Published: Jun 6, 2009 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Usurpation War reviews
(First chapter has been updated!) An invasion from parts unknown has swept into the land. The hostile force seeks to dominate all in their path with the use of Genesis Cores: mysterious artifacts of incredible power. An unlikely team must come together and find a way to defeat the invaders, but their journey may reveal more about the world than they ever could have imagined.
Minecraft - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 12 - Words: 45,579 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 6 - Updated: Aug 24, 2020 - Published: Mar 19, 2020 - OC
Wisdom, Courage, Friendship- An Earthbound Novelization reviews
A young boy from Eagleland is awakened by the call of adventure and sets out to defeat the forces of evil. This adaptation includes several reinterpretations of key events and characters, so hopefully it'll still be an interesting read for fans who are already familiar with the story. Much like the game, this summary stinks, so come in and see for yourself! Rated T for language.
Earthbound - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 67 - Words: 175,947 - Reviews: 103 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 55 - Updated: Dec 2, 2019 - Published: Jul 5, 2018 - Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo - Complete
One-Shots in the Caverns reviews
(Formerly "Partners") The story doesn't end when the caves do. Assorted one-shots set before, during, and after the events of my Cave Story novelization. Mainly focused around the three robots, but with the occasional guest star. Many of these will contain higher-than-recommended levels of fluff, reader discretion is advised!
Cave Story - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 11,058 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 10 - Updated: Nov 19, 2019 - Published: Aug 7, 2018
A Tale in the Caverns- A Cave Story Novelization reviews
The familiar story of a young man who wakes up in a cave with no memory and must discover the truth about himself, but now with more focus given to certain other characters. With new interpretations and perspectives offered, this narrative will hopefully provide a fresh enough read for those who already know the plot. (An adaptation of Cave Story, contains Quote X Curly)
Cave Story - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 51 - Words: 104,039 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 26 - Updated: Sep 24, 2018 - Published: Oct 13, 2017 - Complete
Among Monsters- An Undertale Novelization reviews
"One of us will be the prince of the world's future... guess we'll learn who soon enough. Have fun, my little monarch. I'll be watching." (A novelization/adaptation of Undertale's neutral and pacifist run)
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 68 - Words: 103,654 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 56 - Updated: Nov 28, 2017 - Published: Feb 12, 2017 - Frisk, Asriel, Sans, Flowey - Complete