![]() Author has written 7 stories for Gallagher Girls. Personal Info: Yeah not so sure how much of this I want to put up here… Height: I’m 5’3” but don’t let that fool you. My ego counts for at least 3 feet. Eyes: My eyes are blue, but first thing in the morning they’re gray. Hair: I’ve got light brown hair that gets even lighter in the summer, almost blonde. But I’m not blonde. I just look it. Now I realize that DontNeedHelmetGotAHardHardHead is a mouthful (or really, typeful), so my name is Angelina, but call me Angel.* The Psychological Profiles of an Angel Likes: Swimming, painting, reading, 90’s alternative rock, Pearl Jam (my pen name is one of thier song lyrics), Soundgarden, Nirvana, Aretha Franklin, The Beatles, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley, Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo, An Abundance of Katherinesby John Green, nerddfighteria, being Christian, learning about history, the Silk Road, living in such a beautiful and diverse place like New York City, Jesus, speaking different languages (besides English, I speak Spanish and Latin), listening to people speak a language I don't know, learning about different religions, manipulating people, gay rights, traveling, long car/ plane rides, being completely original, and reading good books. Dislikes: Shopping, obsessive fangirls, clichés, tourists, racism, close-mindedness, homophobes, relentless optimism, people who consider themselves superior, repetitive noises, long term commitments, being a dyslexic writer, and people who tell me what to do. (This list could go on and on so I’ll spare you). Other Stuff: 1) I UPDATE when I UPDATE and I cannot be bribed into updating sooner. I hate those people who are so desperate they only update if they get reviews. 2) If I write a story with romance in it, that will NOT be the main focus. I hate those stories that are focused around a boy and the author is so obviously a hopeless romantic. Besides if I just gave everyone what they wanted all the time I wouldn’t be an author I’d be a pushover. 3) Feel free to criticize. Don’t be one of those babies who sugarcoat everything. Seriously. I probably need the ego hit anyway. My Favourite Quotes: "Yes I am with you always, until the very end of time." -Jesus Christ "For he who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." -Jesus Christ "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall through anything." -Ed Vedder "We are on the brink of forever." -Ed Vedder "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not." -Kurt Cobain "I know that there are a lot of racists, sexists, and homophobes out there. And that really bugs me." -Kurt Cobain "Doubt everything. Find you own light." -Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) "In the end, these things matter most: "Beauty awakens the soul to act." -Dante "The mighty flame followeth the tiny spark." -Dante "The ink of a scholar is more sacred than the blood of a martyr." -Muhammad Dares I dare you to… 1) Go up to someone you know the name of, but never really talked to and tell them, “We get along because we have similar auras.” 2) Stand up on a bench in a crowded place and proclaim: “We’ll show those Kamikaze warriors who’s boss!” 3) Give completely irrelevant responses to people when they are talking to you, for example: Your mom: “Get your feet off the table.” You: “The last thing I need is a PMSing three year old on my hands.” 4) Ask a makeup artist to make you “sparkle like Edward Cullen.” 5) Next time you see one of those kiddie face painting people, ask them to paint eyes on your eyelids, and for the rest of the day keep your eyes closed as much as possible. 6) Make a concoction that is one part ketchup, one part water, put it in a spray bottle, and seek out victims. 7) Develop odd habits, such as singing prayers and hyms to the moon, or habitually point out UPS trucks and collect pictures of them. 8) When someone is singing a song to themselves, start singing along but sing each lyric a milisecond off. When they tell you that you are ruining it, say to them, "Ruining what? You weren't even that good." 9) Go up to complete strangers, and starting sucking in air close to them. When they give to a strange look, tell them, "I'm slurping up your soul." 10) Fill awkward silences with comments like; "What if you grew a toe for every year you lived?" or "Don't you think that, to aliens who had never seen hair, it would look so wierd?" 11) Stare at a building intensly, then proclaim: "This is not where it happens!" 12) Try to always speak in rhyme, and when you can't think of anything that rhymes, be like Dr. Suess and make up your own words. 13) Take up as many seats as possible on a subway, going to ridiculous measures just to take up space. 14) Hold the door for someone, then look at them indignantly and puff out your chest as if you are an animal who wants to make itself look larger. 15) Buy one of those spinning mascara wands, and use it the wrong way so that your eyelashes (top and bottom) curve inward, and go up to people and try to flirt. 16) Bring the sing along version of Mama Mia on an airplane and sing along as loud as possible. 17) Spend the day on the sidewalk dressed as Cousin It and hissing at children. 18) Hand jive constantly. 19) Fill water balloons with pudding. And yes, this is all my own comedic genius. Dosen’t it make you want to read my stories? Since I am way too prideful to write this over and over again, I don't own Gallagher Girls, that pleasure can go to Ally Carter. |