a/n: I know it's been awhile, but I come with a new story for the new year :) I might delete "let's dance in slow motion" but I'm definitely continuing "My Escape." Anyway, this story will be updated regularly (I hope) and the chapters will be at a good length. Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you're have a great holiday season! Don't forget: count your blessings, not your problems!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter. I do not own any brand names/song titles/ movie titles/ etcetera mentioned in this story. So yeah, disclaimed.

Rating: Strong T for alcohol consumption, sexual references, language, mature themes. Yeah, you've been warned. Loljk, this story isn't THAT bad.

Here we go:

A Daydream Away

( day 00 )


Cammie Morgan walked through the crowds of dancing bodies to find her way to a drink. She was dying of thirst and boredom at her father's annual New Year's Eve party. It was -once again- held on top of her father's thirty-four story company building with all his workers, clients, and friends attending. Cammie made her way through the same boring faces she saw every year, as loud music blared from large speakers set up in the corners. She was uncomfortably pressed against two dancing bodies, trying to look for the refreshment table. Once she saw a long table with a gold table cloth and drinks on it, she pushed passed people, not really caring who she hit.

She made it free, stretching out her arms and reached to grab a cup. A glass punch bowl sat in the middle next to a Champagne fountain, surrounded by dozens and dozens of bottles and cans of beverages. Cammie looked into the punch bowl, but only a small rim of red liquid sat inside.

"Damn," Cammie scowled and quickly picked up all the drinks at the table, hoping they'd be full. But they weren't. "Damn!" Cammie muttered again, tossing a can of Sprite aside.

"Don't tell me they're out of drinks already?" A voice asked behind her.

Cammie, who was shaking a glass bottle of empty root beer, turned around to meet a pair of gorgeous green eyes. This guy was gorgeous; he was sporting dark jeans, a pair of dress shoes, a white v-neck, and a slick black blazer. His face was chiseled to perfection like a Greek god and his hair was spiked up in a Charlie St. Cloud-Zac Efron kind of way. His nice lips were in a crooked smile that made Cammie's heart beat at a 100 miles per hour.

Cammie cleared her throat, hoping her silence didn't give him the wrong message. "Well, sadly." She smiled sheepishly and turned over the empty bottle she was holding. Nothing came out.

"That sucks," he frowned and walked over to the Champagne fountain and grabbed a full glass. He looked over at Cammie, "Want a sip?"

Cammie took the glass from him and gently took a sip. The guy watched her for a moment then looked out into the night sky, "I'm Zach."

Cammie set the drink down gently on the table, "Hey, I'm Cammie." She smiled and hoped she didn't look stupid.

"Want to get some air?" Zach asked, looking back at her with those heart-warming eyes. Cammie was about to point out that they were outdoors and air was pretty much everywhere. But she didn't bother to argue with him as he walked the opposite direction. She even followed him.

He walked through the crowds of people all the way to the building's edge with metal railings. He looked over at her and smiled, "it's beautiful at night." He said and looked over onto the skyline and the small city that slept underneath it.

Cammie smiled, folding her arms across her chest as the night grew cold and crisp. Zach quickly shrugged off his blazer and draped it over her shoulders. "Better?"

"Much," Cammie replied and took in his scent off his jacket. "So, why is this the first time I'm seeing you here?"

"Oh, do you come to these things often?" He asked.

Cammie smiled again, "Yeah, well, it's kind of mandatory when my dad hosts these things."

Zach raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh shit, really?"

Cammie nodded back and watched as red fireworks burst into the air from a distance. It was so pretty, her favorite thing about New Year's had be the fireworks that exploded in the air and the noise that came along with it. Everyone was just so alive, so happy. Everyone was just ready to forget all the mistakes they made the previous year. It was a new year, time for change. Maybe change was what Cammie needed to make her incredibly dull life more exciting.

"So, I guess I can never see you ever again, huh?" Zach asked with a sly smirk on his face. It was kind of really hot.

Cammie looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I kind of just snuck into this party," Zach admitted, "My friends and I are going to this hotel party in an hour or so, but I got bored waiting… So…"

"Oh." Cammie's face went blank as she stared at Zach. It was one thing to randomly hang out with a guy you thought worked with your dad; it was another to hang out with a complete stranger.

"Are you going to bust me?" Zach smirked, almost tauntingly at her.

Cammie thought about it. Okay, she was pretty much the purest girl in the world. She couldn't help it. She never broke curfew, she never disobeyed her father, she never got bad grades, and she never would have the guts to sneak into an uninvited party.

But it was time for a change, it was time for boring old Cammie to leave and for someone more fun to enter. So instead of calling security, she just smiled at Zach. "Nope, but you need to get me a drink. A real one."

Zach raised his eyebrows curiously.


"So, you're a junior?" Cammie asked as she watched Zach unscrew a wine bottle. It wasn't a virgin bottle either, it was hardcore liquor. She bit her bottom, well-glossed lip a bit nervous. She's never had a serious drink before. Sure, she's tried wine and Champagne, but those were amateur drinks.

Zach nodded, "Yup." Once the bottle cap came off, he took a long swig at the liquor. The two were seated at the far end of the roof, right behind the large billboard that spelled Cammie's father's company name. No one would be able to see them, but Cammie doubted anyone would care; half the people were already drunk and delirious.

Zach offered the bottle to Cammie and she took it hesitantly. Zach drank so calmly and coolly, it was obvious he's had a drink before. Perfect, the day before the New Year, Cammie meets a bad boy. Was this some sign of fate or something? Maybe it was a sign she needed a different lifestyle.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she took a long, strong gulp. It felt funny, kind of like it was burning down her throat as she swallowed.

"Whoa, slow down." Zach said and took the bottle away from her.

Cammie chuckled, "Sorry, a little anxious, I guess." She fiddled with the bracelet that wrapped around her slender wrist. "Is this not the first time you've crashed a party?"

Zach shrugged, "Well, let's just say, I don't really care about fancy invites."

Cammie gazed at him for awhile, "Bad boy, huh?" She took the bottle into her hands and took another drink. Cammie hated the taste.

Zach just leaned back onto his elbows and stared into the sky that was lighting up with bursting fireworks. "Let's just say, living on the edge is always more fun that living in a square."

"Aren't you afraid you'll get in trouble?" Cammie asked, lying on her back.

Zach looked down at her, the light from the moon and fireworks framed his perfect features. "Well, that's half the excitement of life, isn't it? Making mistakes and getting in trouble and taking risks. I mean, we're only young once after all."

"Okay guys, it's officially one more minute till the New Year!" The DJ shouted through a microphone and stopped the music. Everyone cheered and immediately stopped dancing. Some guys started launching fireworks off the roof, everyone watched in awe as it exploded in red sparks in the sky.

"Ten… nine… eight..." People began screaming and blowing on noise makers. Despite the noise from her surroundings, Cammie's world stood still. She was a sixteen year old girl and she never really experienced life. Or she never experienced life the way Zach did, on the rebellious side.

It was a New Year, she thought and stared at Zach as he took another swig of the liquor bottle.

"Seven… six… five…"

New Year, it was time for a change, Cammie also thought as Technicolor confetti flew in the air, raining down on them. Before she knew what she was doing, she pulled onto Zach's collar and looked up into his eyes. His bored back into hers, intensely. "What are you doing?"

"Three… two… HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone cheered and shouted. And in the midst of happy echoing screams, Technicolor confetti dancing in the air, fulminating fireworks that lit up the sky, popped bottles of bubbling Champagne, and the sound of her own beating heart, Cammie whispered, "taking a risk."

And then she kissed him.

a/n: hey guys! What do you think? I know, I'm a bit rusty. I haven't really written anything since the summer… so yeah. Please review! And have a lovely day!