Author has written 15 stories for Lucky Star, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. I go by BHS. I'm a petsitter and aspiring author living in Southwest Virginia. I came to to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of... wait, no, that's They Live. Sorry, I beg your pardon. Being an unrepentantly huge Puella Magi Madoka Magica dork (and a dork for most other magical girl series, really), I mostly write fanfic of that genre, but I dabble occasionally in other things as well which may or may not ever see the light of day. Please be kind and leave constructive feedback. If you like my writing, please be sure to check out my Fictionpress site: http: // www. fictionpress. com/ u /677776/, and also my original fiction blog, Fourth Wall Stories: http: // fourthwallstories . wordpress . com I also write a fantasy/drama web novel series called Tasakeru, updated (roughly) monthly on http: // tasakeru. com. Please take a look, and leave comments if you have the time! You can find out more about me on my DA site: http: // bhsdesk. deviantart. com For adult works and stuff that isn't safe for FF, my AO3 account is here: http: // archiveofourown. org / users / BHS My WordPad account is here: http: // www . wattpad . com / user / BHSDesk I host a self-produced, dialogue-free YouTube series called Silent InvenTOYry, covering Japanese action figures, model kits, and collectibles. Watch all episodes here: http: // tinyurl . com / silent-inventoyry Become my Patron or donate via Pay*Pal and help fund more writing! Rewards start at $1 pledges! Other links (remove spaces): TVTropes page for Stars Above (additions and contributions welcome): http:// /pmwiki/ pmwiki.php /FanFic /StarsAbove TVTropes Discussion forum for Stars Above : http:// /pmwiki/ posts.php ?discussion=13271175450A15480100 TVTropes page for Tasakeru (ditto the above) : http:// /pmwiki/ pmwiki.php/ Literature /Tasakeru TVTropes page for Respect : http:// /pmwiki/ pmwiki.php /FanFic /Respect TVTropes page for Shattered Skies: The Morning Lights : http:// / pmwiki/ pmwiki /FanFic /ShatteredSkiesTheMorningLights |
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