Author has written 4 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Lord of the Rings, and Sherwood Smith. It's not so much that I haven't really had much time to do any writing.. it's just that I'm lazy. :P oh well.I usually write down a bunch of stuff on paper, then I can't be bothered to type it up (or I lose the scrap of paper...). Or, if it's typed up, I don't fix it up and upload it. oops.. Go to to find my original works. pretty please? Lots and lots of poetry! I've written a substantial amount more of original work than fanfic ones. :) Anyways, here's something cute I found (well, actually it was my English teacher, but that's besides the point). "Life's punishments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes. :) |