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Joined 05-11-11, id: 2912937, Profile Updated: 12-19-11

Less than three. Type it in in numerical form and you'll see it equals love.

Jesus rocks the world!

Fave Fandoms:

•St Trinian's
-fave pairings: Kelly/Flash, Annabelle/Pomfrey, and as my friend pointed out to me who couldn't love Thwaites and Miss Fritton? Do
-least fave pairings: Kelly/Annabelle, Taylor/Flash, Peaches/Flash, Zoe/Bianca, Annabelle/Verity
-fave characters: Annabelle, Kelly, Polly, Andrea, Celia, Taylor, Flash, Miss Fritton, Thwaites, Verity, the twins, pretty much everyone.

-fave pairings: Joey/Martina, Billy/Julie
-least fave pairings: Joey/Roxy, Martina/Shifty, Shifty/Celia, Freddie/Lilo Lill
-fave characters: Joey, Martina, Adrian

-fave pairings: Taz/Up FTW !! Krayonder/Specs, Bug/February, Megagirl/Tootsie
-fave characters: Taz, Up, Krayonder

•The Guild
-fave pairings: Codex/Zaboo, Bladezz/Tink
-least fave pairings: Codex/Fawkes, Vork/MrsZaboo
-fave characters: CLARA!! Yeeeah

•Doctor Who
-fave pairings: 10/Rose, 11/River Song, Amy/Rory
-least fave pairings: Mickey/Martha, 11/Amy, Amy/River

-fave pairings: Quirrellmort, Umbridge/Firenze, Ron/Hermione, Scarfy/Sorty
-least fave pairings: Dumbridge (although it is hilarious!!)
-fave characters: UMBRIDGE

•Rocky Horror
-fave pairings:
Brad/Janet, Frank/Columbia, Eddie/Columbia, Riff/Magenta (don't like them that much because I don't like incest but they're canon)
-least fave pairings: Frank/Brad, Brad/Columbia, Janet/Rocky, Janet/Magenta, Janet/Columbia, Magenta/Columbia, Frank/Magenta, Frank/Riff, Frank/Janet
-fave characters:
Frank, the Narrator, Magenta, Columbia, Dr Scott.

If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, Zutara Lover, Black'n'red'Butterfly, Enrica, twilightgirl1918, Just A Little Bit Dramatic, Pirates OWNS you, Cripsee, I'll have some stupid cliche, Insane Winged Girl, Faxness-Fan48, imaginarylullabyes,cutieismynam, T-H-E OANA, reimihara21, Emerald Penguin, MissSpasticEnthuseastic, gypsy rosalie, Voldemort's Beloved Wife, less-than-three-equals-love