Author has written 4 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. so, yeah, um. . . I'm eighteen. Lilith isn't my real name, it's a name I came up with for a dead website, and it kinda stuck.I go to the University of Oregon, and live down the hall from two other fic-ers, Comedia and chrestomanci. They do drugs and other fics that aren't BTVS related, so I only read their stuff out of pity. Love: acting, writing, movies, music, friends, CD shopping, skipping Shakespeare class, money, meal points, and GUYS! Hate: war, peppermint, misogynists, and hard-core conservatism, Ashcroft, the color system, Shakspeare class, and bologna. Favorite shows: Buffy, Angel, Alias, Will & Grace, Simpsons, Scrubs, Daria, Invader Zim, etc. Favorite movies: anything by the genius Kevin Smith, Les Miserables, Gone With the Wind, Sabrina, Lord of the Rings, etc. Favorite music: Green Day, Coldplay, Sum 41, Clash, Sex Pistols, No Doubt, Jewel, etc. For more non-important stuff on me, go to my Live Journal at http:///~lily_bug/. My old one is in Open Diary at http:///entrylist.asp?authorcode= doesn't suck that much. Go to " 'Till the End of the World Spuffy Awards" at http:///till_the_end_of_the_world_awards! It'll be good! |