Disclaimer: I don't own Billie Letts' "Where the Heart Is", or Joss Whedon's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Rating: This will be rated R! Sorry kiddies, but I like using inappropriate language, and the sex.

Author's Notes: I just got up about an hour ago, and it's absolutely pouring outside. Thank god I decided not to go out for breakfast, because it means I have the opportunity to update. Anyway, thank you all so much for reviewing, even though I took my damn sweet time in between chapters. Hope you all like this one.

PS: Rain is good, and bad.

Chapter Thirty-One- Impulsiveness

Miles of highway lay stretched before them in a never-ending line, the desert flying by them as the car went forward at 75 miles an hour.

Five years ago, this was the course Buffy and Angel were taking on their way to Los Angeles, where they were planning on making a life with the child inside her belly. She had been a naïve little girl, not prepared to become a mother. He was a selfish and cold young man, not planning on being a father.

It was two different people now driving down the route they should have taken years ago. Sure, they had the same names, but over those five years, they had aged significantly.

Buffy was behind the wheel of her Jeep, while Angel snored beside her. He was still on a lot of medication for pain and Hepatitis, and the hospital had been reluctant to discharge him until he explained where he was heading.

He had planned where to go, but it'd had been Buffy's idea to drive. Flying would get them to their destination quicker, but they needed to talk and resolve everything before they parted way.

Adjusting the volume of the music, Buffy smiled, humming the tune quietly to herself.

Buffy heard the spray of the shower coming from the bathroom as she reached for the phone.

"Taking a shower?" she asked.

"No, I'm gonna wash the car!" Angel good-naturedly yelled back.

Rolling her eyes, Buffy chuckled. Over the past few days, the two had developed a good, civil friendship, if that is what you could call it, so she wasn't going to get angry at a few sarcastic comments.

She dialed Xander and Cordelia's number, and waited for one of them to pick up. After two rings, Cordelia answered.

"Hey, it's me. We just got in," Buffy said into the receiver, starting to unlace her tennis shoes.

Before Cordelia could answer, another person on the other end picked up.

"Thank God! We've been worried for nearly two hours! I kept thinking either you crashed the car, or he blew your brains out and threw you in a ditch!" It was Xander.

"How was the ride?" Asked Cordelia.

"Good, we hit traffic around Sacramento, hence the late-age."

"What's he doing now?" Xander paranoidly inquired.

Sighing, Buffy lay back on the bed. "He's showering."

"Are you two in the same room? What the hell are you thinking! Stay there, I'm driving up, and I'll take him to Washington!"

Buffy heard Cordelia groan. "One minute," she sighed, before setting down the receiver. After a moment, she was back. "He's fine now, I got him something shiny to play with."

"Well, someone's a little crazy," Buffy laughed.

But Cordelia was serious. "I don't know who's the crazier one at this moment. My husband, the grand Inquisitioner, or you, the girl who decides to drive her ex all the way home to Washington!"

She groaned. "Just leave it alone. I'm driving him home, and we're staying in the same room, but there are two beds, and he's too tired to pull anything."


"So, how's my little girl?"

At that, Cordelia warmed up. "She fell asleep waiting to talk to you, but she's fine. And yes, no one's told her who Angel is."

"Thanks." Buffy stifled a yawn. "Anyway, have a good night. I'll try to call you guys in the morning before we leave."

"Yeah, you have a long drive tomorrow."

"Cordy, it's been a long drive, period."

The Jeep had been parked for nearly ten minutes, while Angel and Buffy stared at the house across the street. It was a nice, light blue painted house, the cozy neighborhood street situated outside the border of Vancouver, Washington.

"Are you ready yet?" Buffy asked for the second time. But with each passing minute, it looked less and less like Angel would be getting out.

"Sorry. It's been a long time since I've been back here," he explained.

"I can't get over it. This is where you grew up," Buffy mused.

They sat in the silence a few minutes more, both studying the house as if it were something to be wary of.

Before Buffy could ask again, Angel reached into the backseat, and grabbed the duffel bag filled with his few possessions. Among the new clothes and necessities he bought at the same Sunnydale Wal-Mart he left Buffy in, was a stack of copied photos, held together by a rubber band. It was a present from Buffy to him, along with her phone number.

"Do you want me to wait until you get in?" inquired the blonde.

"Yeah," he sighed, scratching his head with his left hand. "I don't know how this is going to go."

Getting out of the car at the same time he did, Buffy circled around the vehicle to meet up with him. Clumsily, they embraced, his good arm wrapping around her body.

"If you're ever in trouble-" Buffy began.

Angel smiled. "I know." Standing apart, they studied each other.

Reaching out, he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I can't believe I let you go," he lamented, taking off in the direction of the house before she could reply.

Stunned, she went back into the car, turned her head, and watched Angel walk up the steps of his childhood home. At the front door, he set his bag on the stoop, and knocked with his remaining hand. Moments passed, and a middle-aged woman wearing a faded green sundress, her hair streaked with gray, opened the door.

Too far away to hear what they were saying, if anything, Buffy watched the two stand still, until Angel's mom embraced her son, tears streaming down her face as she held him. Angel, in turn, broke down, nearly falling over as he apologized to his mother.

A smile coming to her face, Buffy turned the car on, and pulled away, trying not to make her presence known.

Buffy got a room outside Portland, tired from the half a day journey through three states to bring Angel home. She crashed on the bed, still holding her purse, too lazy to remove her clothing or shoes, and reached for the remote. Except, the TV did not have a remote, and Buffy was not willing to stand up in order to watch HBO.

Bored, she tried reading through the few business magazines and the eight-month-old Reader's Digest the hotel staff had left in her room. As she put away the last magazine, she knocked her purse off the bed, and the contents spilled all over the floor.

Now, that was something she had to fix. Groaning as she got up, she stuffed the various items back into the bag.

Her wallet was the last thing on the floor, and as she picked it up, something inside was poking out. Buffy pulled it out, and when she saw she was holding the photo of Aurora and Spike, she sighed.

"You only get one chance to say you're sorry, Buffy, and if you don't take it, it'll be gone forever."

Later that night, Buffy made three consecutive phone calls.

The first one was to the Harris house, asking if they wouldn't mind taking Aurora for a little while longer.

The next one was for the Magic Box. She wanted only one thing from Anya: an address.

And the final one was to the Portland Airport, asking when the next plane to London was leaving, and if they had long-term parking.

Paige- Well, at least this chapter gives you your request. The Buffy/Angel love ain't coming back.

Mita427- God, Miss Bitch, how I have missed our verbal sparing. It has left a hole in my heart, and as much as I tried filling it up with soft-core porn and repeats of "BJ and the Bear", your review overshadowed all! And yes, everything is fine with me. I'm just a lazy skank.

Kim- If I had that wonderful check from Wal-Mart, I'd probably be gone in two days, spent on shoes and movies. But, maybe Buffy's just a bit more careful when it comes to money. It's probably a rainy day fund, only to be used in case of drastic emergencies. And as for your wish that the two crazy kids get together, this may be a step in that direction.

GoldenAngl88- I'm just going to say a big, blanket "Thank you so very much" for all the nice things you said. I'm glad you like this story, and the little angel that is Aurora. She's absolutely my favorite made-up character, and I hope that if I ever have a daughter, she'd be like her. I know that the Oz-thing is a little OOC, but it had to be done, and I hated myself for that.

Imzadi- I never thought about it like that. It's weird how those things just kinda happen, isn't it. Well, I'm glad to hear from you too, to see that you haven't created some lifelong grudge against me. And, in answering the two questions you have been so patient waiting to have answered: 1) Lindsay is not coming back in this story, he's off with his girl making babies. 2) I'm going to try to get back to MRV, but you know how it is when you lost a certain muse for a story. Kisses.

SapphireAngL- Your request is granted. Whoo hoo!

Discord Marie- I'm elated that you're elated, if that makes any sense. Just to let you know, there are only two chapters left in this story, and they are almost all written. I just have to make sure they are as squee-able as everyone is hoping.

Dancingbymoonlight- Actually, I'm the one that deserves the wallop on the head. Reviewing is something you do out of the kindness of your heart, while actually posting a chapter is just plain sense. Well, thank you all the same.

LuckyGal91- I hope you didn't read it all in one sitting, cause I know that makes me go nutty. But thank you for liking this story so much.

Chrestomanci- No, you suck. I heart you. Luke and Loreali FOREVER!

DoWnEr- Oh wow, he is getting the short end of the sex stick. I didn't realize it! Maybe, (I'm just pulling this out of my ass) he was too busy taking care of his sister, that he just wasn't going out and getting laid . . . that's a sucky reason. Next time, he's getting lots and lots of booty, preferably from Buffy.

PyroDeScorpio2- The movie is titled "Where the Heart Is", so you were on target. I like it, but I recommend that you read the novel as well. There is a lot more to the story than what is portrayed in the movie (obviously), although it is without the adorableness that is Natalie Portman. And as for the Angel thing, Riley's too stupid and Parker's just an idiot.

Dagorwen of Ithilien- I really heart the name Rory! Completely off topic, you might like the show "Gilmore Girls" because one of the lead character's name is Rory. Just wanted to throw it out there, cause I heart that show as well. Anyway, thank you so much!