Poll: What do you think of Cherry Coated Whiskers? Vote Now!
Author has written 1 story for Naruto. That picture over there is me when I crash after reading any type of material late at night. Ever since joining the site, I never thought I'll be participating in this abnormal activity. Whether it be reading, writing...hell, even reviewing..that's all people really do here. Now I'll be honest with you guys, this hobby isn't really a top priority. I just like to come here and do my thing. That's all. Often times I wish that I had something worth while in my life, but instead I'm simply spending my days trying to catch up on chapter edits and the works. Have you ever noticed that the really cool stories are made by authors with busier lives then our own? Hahaha. Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. It's making poor judgments. We don't really know what they do off the screen. And neither do you know anything about me. So, lets work on that starting now! My Age: 0.0001 Gender: Well, which group of anatomy seriously uses...the word fab? Loves: Sweet and sour tasting candy, reading funny stuff and playing video games. Favorite music in the world: Soul, Smooth Jazz, R&B, some pop, a bit of Korean R&B and K-Hip hop. Hates: People who cannot jokingly accept the fact that 'Sakura/Kurama' fics might work out just like any other story, bashers, Mary Sue/Gary Stu, and those beautifully crafted pictures ruined by shitty paint users. Neutral: Yaoi! I have a confession to reveal! Sometimes I read NaruSasu yaoi doujins! The only problem is that you'll never, never, never, never, never...see me write one for this site. So-so: My views on harems are pretty much hypocritical. Although I don't like romance, I will add some type of humerous worshiping cliche for Sakura. (We all know Naruto never had a harem in canon.) And here is my very first story EVER! It is called..dum um dummmmm. Cherry Coated Whiskers I released it back in 2011 on a warm spring day. We will see either 3,000 or up to 8,000 words per chapter. I have no idea when it will be completed. Lately, I have been importing all the current chapters back to my laptop for an extreme make over. My thoughts about it: I created this story simply because I always wondered what it would be like if Sakura owned Kurama instead of Naruto. There's already a whole bunch on the site that provides her with an angst filled background. Depending on how the author expresses their creativity, the material often put's Kushimoto's portrayal of abandonment to shame. Actually, many of them take it too far here! We never seen Naruto face abuse in the manga. All there was is flash backs featuring abandonment and neglect. It's pretty tame in comparison to fan fiction. But as I take a look at my own work, the quality of it pretty much explains a well off child. That's pretty bad, isn't it? Surprisingly enough, most of what I had already written in the past doesn't show off my true writing potential. It's really supposed to be a fusion of Scary Movie and The Six Sense. Well, that's what I'm trying to go for. The fan fic "Sakura's Life in Naruto's Shoes" or "Dead Garden" proves that any story can turn into a fan favorite without having overbearing dark themes or bad jokes taking over the plot. Well, that's just my opinion. I'm sure we've all run into people who cannot agree with such a drastic change to the original plot. After all, the Naruto series is a popular collection of shounen manga. So yeah, kick off your shoes and enjoy. I hope the story can provide some type of entertainment for the time being. |