![]() Author has written 5 stories for South Park, Young Justice, and Batman. Hey guys! I'm here to party... or write. Or have a writing party. My current fandoms are Avatar: The Last Airbender, Batman, Young Justice, South Park, Naruto, and various animes and video games. xD My deviantART: http:/// My tumblr: http:/// Pairings that I love: Batman: Jason/Tim (OTP, man) Kon/Tim Dick/Tim Tim/Damian Dick/Damian Dick/Jason Jason/Damian Occassionally Bruce/Dick Damian/Colin rarely Jason/Steph rarely Tim/Steph Jason/Tim/Steph Dick/Jason/Tim Steph/Cass The Batfam is just so... fuckable. xD Young Justice: Kid Flash/Robin (Wally/Dick) (OTP forever and always.) Aqualad/Superboy Superboy/Miss M (dear God. Het OTP) Artemis/Miss M South Park: Stan/Kyle Kenny/Butters Craig/Tweek (otp) Kenny/Kyle Craig/Kyle Stan/Craig Kenny/Craig Kyle/Tweek Kenny/Tweek Pip/Damien Clyde/Kevin Clyde/Token Clyde/Craig Clyde/Tweek Clyde/Tweek/Craig Stan/Kyle/Kenny Craig/Tweek/Kenny Stan/Kyle/Cartman/Kenny (mmm... foursomes) Butters/Pip Tweek/Butters Wendy/Cartman Ike/Kenny Christophe (ze mole)/Gregory Christophe/Kyle MOTHERFUCKING SLENDERKENNY/MOTHERFUCKING ZOMBIE KENNY Craig/Human!Stripe Kuroshitsuji: Sebastian/Ciel Undertaker/Sebastian Undertaker/Greil Ciel/Alois Alois/Claude Naruto: Sasori/Deidara Sasuke/Naruto Naruto/Gaara Itachi/Deidara Itachi/Sasori Itachi/Sasuke Sasuke/Gaara Itachi/Naruto Sakura/Ino Temari/TenTen Pein/Konan Soul Eater: Maka/Soul Kid/Soul BlackStar/Soul Patti/Liz (inceeeeest) Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Riku Axel/Roxas Axel/Roxas/Reno (yes, I am aware that Reno's from FFVII) Riku/Axel Marluxia/Larxene Saix/Xemnas Zexion/Demyx Kairi/Sora Final Fantasy (not even bothering with the numbers): Cloud/Zack Vincent/Kadaj (yay crack!) Tidus/Yuna Hope/Lightning Snow/Serah Angeal/Genesis Paine/Rikku Yuna/Rikku Kadaj/Yazoo Squall/Rinoa Cloud/Sephiroth Zack/Sephiroth Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth Reno/Rude Reno/Cloud My OCs (as in, which crack ones that have been suggested that I liked and which ones are actual pairings) Firien/Emmi (actual) Versailles/Victor (actual) Victor/Collin (crack) Versailles/Chester (crack) Firien/Saya (considered) Saya/L (pfft, what?) Firien/L (considered) Firien/Versailles (total crack. Firien is a lesbian and Versailles is gay.) Well, now to start on my info n shit. My name is Kelly, but I'm open to nicknames (whether they relate to Kelly or not. Examples: Kell-buh-dell. Tweekers) and prefer to be called Robin or anything relating to it. I love Batman, Young Justice, DC Comics, South Park, yaoi, yuri, and music. I'm bisexual (but in the closet to my family, with the exception of my younger sister) and taken by a guy by the name of Roam. I listen to so much nonmainstream music, so if you wanna know what I listen to, shoot me a PM. I enjoy cosplay, writing, drawing, and riding horses. No, that doesn't mean I'm a total hick cowgirl. But I do live in a "quiet little piss-ant, redneck, podunk, jerkwater, greenhorn, one-horse, mud-hole, peckerwood, right-wing, whistle-stop, hobmail, truck-drivin', old-fashioned, hayseed, inbred, unkempt, out-of-date, out-of-touch, white trash, KICKASS Mountain Town." Called South Park. nojkiwish.IreallyliveinGothamCitylol. It's actually a secret, internet predators. I'm a gay rights supporter, and an animal abuse fighter. I hate people who use their "upperhand" to their advantage. They can go fuck themselves in the ass with a knife. My little sister is my best friend. I would die without her. She is the sole person in the world who knows every little detail about me. Hell, she probably knows more about myself than I do. She is my world. I would take a fucking bullet for her. I would jump in front of a train for her. I know I can trust her with anything, and I know that she trusts me with anything. If something were to happen t her... I don't even want to think about it. She makes me laugh even in the worst of times and can makes me smile with even the silliest expression. I'm so fucking proud of her like you wouldn't believe. She means the universe and more to me. She's the most beautiful person in the world and she damn well flaunts it. So, my dearest Emily, I love you with all my heart and soul and everything else that is a bit of me and I know you'll go places and you'll change the world. (That was kind of lame, but I can't exactly express my feelings for her. ;-; ) Too bad she'll never see that. She doesn't even know this site exists. REASONS TO JOIN THE DARK SIDE (If you wish to join add this list to your profile): 1. We have cookies (last I checked there was hot chocolate, marshmallows, and ice cream too) I know I'm kind of lagging in writing, but that's because I'm rarely on a computer anymore and mostly on my ipod. Sorry guys. I write on the computer when I can. ;A; |