Other girls get nice cars, I on the other hand get an RV. Not to keep of course, oh no! Just for the summer. Honestly I should be having a tantrum, I should be whining and complaining, I mean that's what everyone thinks I am, a spoiled princess. Strike that; a spoiled whore. Hmpf, how judgmental.

I'm now currently moping on an uncomfortable picnic table outside of the school, everyone was wishing one another goodbye, exchanging numbers and having one hell of a time. While I being the oddball sat out and slumped.

Nothing can be worse than having an RV and nowhere to go. My parents divorced and refuse to spend time with one another unless it is absolutely necessary- it never is. Therefore a family vacation is so out of the question. Plus hanging out with my parents would be boring anyways, even if they did get along.

But in reality they are divorced and my dad is spending his summer traveling Europe with his new fiancé and her 'lovely' family- note the sarcasm. I could go on a road trip with my mom but I can only take so much of her bickering and stupidity. If she depends on her looks for too long she's not going to have anything to fall back on, I mean she's getting more crow's feet by the day. Disgusting!

"Hey Bebe, why so sad?" Whoa! When did Wendy get here? Oh well. Time to smile and giggle.

I sit up straight and gave her a very convincing, happy greeting, "Hey Wends! I'm not sad at all! Just…" I paused, I need to use the right description, one that will sound Bebe-like, "Thinking about my plans for the summer. You know what parties to go to, who I must hang out with, trips I can go on-"

"How about the RV your mom's renting you?" she cut me off in a polite way, because interrupting people is always the most polite thing to do.

"How did you know about that?" I could of denied it, I mean I don't want her to tell everyone I'm spending my summer in a crammed RV with no one to spend time with.

"Your mom told me the other day when I called. I didn't really ask but you know how your mom gets when she's proud of something-"

"Yeah she brags about it." I scoffed with a roll of my eyes for emphasis.

"The apple doesn't fall from the tree." well how dare she say that! I'm nothing like my mom…okay fine so I might brag about some things but only important stuff.

"It doesn't matter I'm probably not going to use it. I mean what would I do alone in an RV? I'm definitely not spending all summer with my mother." wow now I'm totally exasperated, this is way to much drama for me and the summer hasn't even begun!

I laid down on the table and placed my head on Wendy's lap and she giggled with a roll of her eyes, "Well maybe you could ask your mom if you and some friends could go on a road trip."

"Yeah my mom and my friends, great combo!" I sang sarcastically.

"Just you and your friends." she emphasized and looked down at me with a smirk.

I officially can't hide my excitement. I bolted upright and shrieked with joy, "That's such a super idea!" I hugged my genius of a best friend with some force just so she knows how overly happy I am.

About ten minutes later we got a notebook and now we're currently scanning the schoolyard looking for some fun bus buddies. Honestly you'd be surprised how many people me and Wendy dislike. Imagine having to spend the summer with Heidi, ew, talk about unsanitary. I've seen that girls room and I do not want her trashing MY bus like that. Gross. Red has issues with partying, too much of a goody-goody, not even Wendy is as pathetic as her. Millie never shuts up and always gets 'sick', it's honestly just an attention trick, I would know.

Overall I think me and Wendy just don't get along with other girls very well. "I've crossed every girl off the list…" Wendy heaved a grunt and looked at me upset, "We're out of options."

I didn't reply for a moment then I smirked at her, she quirked a brow which resulted in me grinning widely, "We haven't considered guys."

She didn't smile straight away which makes me think she doesn't like the idea. Wow now I feel like a stupid slut, why would I suggest bringing guys? Oh wait, she's smiling, "That's a great idea! Stan and Kyle are definitely on the list then."

"Anyone you want!" I giggled in response.

"Well you said there were three bunk beds, two on top, two on bottom of each one. That's twelve people right there, plus the single bed is thirteen. Then we need someone to drive, so fourteen people all together. If we go over there's always the couch." Always the knowledgeable one, good thing I have her, I'd probably have way to many people in the car if it weren't for her informative thinking, adding, mathing? That's definitely not a word.

I shook my head and snapped back to reality, "Alright then let's get to counting. Me, you, Kyle, Stan annnnnnnnd-?"

She looked up from the notebook and held the pencil to her chin thoughtfully, "Well I would consider inviting Kenny because he's Stan and Kyle's best friend-"

"And not to mention he's hot and a blast at parties, he'll be a great addition to the on-road family!"

"Well okay but then we have to invite Cartman. He comes in hand with the other boys. I know they act like they hate each other but the four of them are practically stuck like glue- inseparable."

"Ew, they hate Cartman!" I objected. Isn't it obvious that Kyle hates him, I mean they like literally beat the shit out of each other on a weekly basis.

"No, they don't. There is no way we can get the three to spend the summer with us without the other. It's simple, Bebe, all or none."

She stared at me waiting for my response, "Fine, all of them. But if Cartman pisses me off then we drop him off at the nearest gas station!"

We burst into some laughter then to my surprise somebody sneaked up behind me, actually they probably didn't sneak but I didn't see them coming and they hugged my waist, I let out a squeak, "Ah!"

"Hey Bebe!" he lifted me up and spun me around, Clyde is such a sweetheart. CLYDE!

"Clyde!" I yelled and turned around, so we were face to face. He tilted his face and looked at me curiously, probably due to my random outburst, "You can come!"

"Where am I coming?" he asked stupidly.

"In her mouth." was Craig's monotone reply. It's amazing how he can respond to anything with a straight face, whenever I give a burn I always crack a grin or something but he just stays deadpanned. What a skill.

"Shut up, Craig." Token laughed at poor Clyde's misfortune.

He wrapped his arm around me while the others sat down beside Wendy and myself, "No, want to spend the whole summer with me in an RV?" I fluttered my lashes and that was the hook, line and sinker.

"Of course!" he responded faster than a heartbeat.

"Great!" I hugged him again.

"Wait, so your hogging Clyde. What if we want to chill with him?" asked Token.

"How cute, your going to miss your little buddy." Wendy pinched his cheek and he pulled away while everyone chuckled.

"Well you guys can come too!"

Craig turned to Tweek and Tweek looked scared shitless, "Will there be coffee?" Craig turned to me.

"Sure I'll bring a coffee maker. No trip would be complete without Tweek, you guys have to come!" I instantly attached myself to Tweek.

We became very close during high school, him and Butters are my gay best friends! The three beautiful blondes! We all had the same study hall freshman year while the rest of the class was North Park students, so we stuck together. I found myself to get along with them like so well! Then whenever we had the same classes during the rest of high school we sat together.

Tweek jittered from my hug but let out a crooked smile, "A-as long as th-there's - nngh - coffee, I'll go!" he twitched and hugged his thermos.

I nodded, "Okay, so how many people is that Wendy?"

"Me, you, Clyde, Token, Craig, Tweek, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman and that's it so far, so ten people." I do not understand how she counts them all in her head, I like need to use my calculator or fingers, or something!

"Cool, so like four more?" she nodded and I went back and scanned the school grounds.

"What about the bitches?" asked Craig, I turned and saw him lighting up a cigarette, which instantly caused me to react by sticking my hand out to receive one. I've grown close to Craig as well and he now shares cancer-sticks with me, that may not seem very close but the truth is that's as close as anyone can get emotionally with Craig.

With the exception of Tweek.

As he handed me the cigarette while I was still looking over possible future bus buddies, I pulled out my lighter, "I really don't like any of them enough to spend the summer with them. That would cause drama galore."

"Drama galore." Wendy echoed in agreement as she wrote some stuff down, I don't know what she could possibly be writing we haven't suggested other people but who knows, maybe she's doing last minute homework.

"Oh wouldn't that be fun." what a dry tone, it always makes me chuckle.

"Extremely." I nodded and dangled the cigarette from my mouth. Cigarette! Christophe!

Clyde pulled me into his lap again, "Why are you smiling? Thinking of me?"

Hopeless romantic. Rather adorable really. I rolled my eyes kindly, "No, no, no, I was thinking of inviting Christophe." Clyde stared stupidly, "You know the kid that smokes ten times more than Craig, practically the human chimney."

Token rolled his eyes in annoyance at Clyde's stupidity, "Dude, he sits beside you in Chem."

"When he actually shows up." corrected Craig. Hmm, he's sitting kind of close to Tweek and Tweek looks a little too comfortable with it. Fishy. Fishy.

"Nngh- the cr-creepy mercenary! Jesus Christ, he c-could kill us inna minute! GAH, that's way to much pressure, man!"

I giggled and hugged Tweek again, "Don't worry I'll be your knight in shining armor and save you. Unless Craig beats me to it." I stared directly at Craig, cockily I may add.

Oh shit! He totally just blushed, "Bebe, stop picking on the fags."

Token such an asshole. I love it! "Well Token I'm sorry but I find yaoi rather hot!"

"I find you rather hot!" Clyde mimed in.

Most girls would probably blush at that but I don't really blush unless I'm embarrassed. That isn't often. "Thank you, darling!" I rolled the 'r' off my tongue in a more seductive tone.

Wendy rolled her eyes, "Get a room!"

"Want to join us?" I asked with a smirk.

She laughed in response, "Oh of course! Right after I add Christophe to the list."

"Do it!" I sat back beside her. I never noticed how fidgety I am, I can't sit still without moving to a new place to sit. That must be annoying to watch…oh well!

"W-what about Butters? Nngh- oh Jesus! Un-unless your mad at him o-or something, I-it was just a suggestion! Sweet Jesus this is way to much pressure!"

Tweek started to reach his hand towards his hair but Craig instantly swatted it away, "Coffee…coffee…coffee…" Tweek repeated quietly under his breath as Craig helped him open his thermos properly. So gay, love it!

"Butters!" I wailed with a giggle.

"Y-yeah, Bebe?" I jumped and almost had a heart attack, I didn't know the boy was right behind me!

"Jeez, way to scare me half to death!" I chortled and examined him as he rubbed his knuckles together nervously and looked around even more nervously. No wonder him and Tweek are friends. "Want to hang out with us all summer?"

I instantly saw his eyes sparkle, "Oh gee fellas, you really mean it?"

"Of course!" I put my arm around him, "Everybody loves Butters!"

"Th-that's me." he responded shyly as the others stared him down. How could he not love being the center of attention? I adore it.

"Okay, so that's-"

"Twelve." answered Wendy before I could even try to compute. I'm not retarded but Mr. Garrison never really taught me the basics of math, only the basics of pointless television.

"Anyone else?" I asked and turned to the rest of them.

Craig looked at me and said, "Oh Queen Bebe doesn't have enough friends to invite on her magical chariot?"

"Don't be a dick." people might take me and Craig's 'arguments' the wrong way but in reality that bonds us, it's like a fun bickering competition.

"How about you hop of my dick, Princess suck-my-balls." everyone roared with laughter except Butters who rubbed his knuckles with a shy grin and Tweek who continued to gulp large doses of coffee.

"I'm sorry, you have balls?" I blinked in fake confussion.

"Maybe not as big as yours." wow, that was a good comeback.

Come on Bebe be smart! Got it! "Your non-existent ones?" always answer with a harsh question, good Bebe, you've won the battle.

"Clever." was his I-can't-think-of-a-smartass-reply-so-I'll-stick-to-a-one-worded-answer, yup, I definitely won this battle. Craig looks a bit pissed but not really.

"Well we can leave with just twelve people and then if we happen to run into anyone of interest on our trip, we can invite them to come along." just imagine if we ran into like some famous celebrity like Taylor Lautner, Bruno Mars, Zac Efron, Rob Pattinson! Oh. My. God. The list of hot celebs could go on for like ever!

I snapped back to reality when I heard Wendy stating some rules and regulations we should follow when proceeding on our journey, "We should all stick together when we go to places, if we get separated then that would delay our trip, which would be bad-" she shot a glare at Craig, "Because our agenda would be ruined and we would possibly have to take out a few trips."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry, Wends, we're just going out to party all summer! Craig, Token, and Clyde are gonna get us some fake ID's. Isn't that spectacular?"

I guess that wasn't really a question, I mean I know it's spectacular! But she begins to ramble about us breaking the law and the consequences we could possibly face. "Calm down drama queen, your more paranoid than Tweek." Craig gave a small gesture to the quivering lad. Whoa! I just said lad, way to British for my liking. That reminds me, me and Clyde haven't had a spitting contest with Pip in a while. (Meaning aiming at certain features and spitting at the annoying 'chap')

"That's saying something." added Token due to Craig's comparison of annoyed Wendy and paranoid Tweek.

The bell that ends free period rang and everyone rolled there eyes, not that it was really that bad, we'd just go back to our classes and talk anyways. It's the last day of school, I am not doing any work! "Well me and Wendy have to tell the others about the trip."

"And we have to get started on planning our destinations and pit stops." Wendy added as she jotted down more notes.

"Let's just wing it!" said Clyde happily. He shouldn't of said that though, Wendy is way to organized to just 'wing it'.

She shot him a sharp glare, piercing through the soul. "Wing it? HA! If you want to end up wasting your summer getting lost then you can do it in your own car!" she whipped her hair as she turned to leave and called back, "Come Bebe, we have major planning to do."

I gave everyone a giggle and wave as I trotted behind an overly confident Wendy who was currently strutting down the hall to find Stan and his gang. I'm so excited!

This is just an AN to inform you guys that this will be one of those stories without a dead set plot, more like mini plots. Just drama galore with plenty of yaoi xD and well I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter.


Tell me what you like, tell me what you don't.