Author has written 12 stories for Merlin, Ironman, Sherlock Holmes, and Avengers. I’m 18. I live in England and I don't think you need to know my name. I was brought up in a household where the Sherlock Holmes stories were treated like the Bible, and having four elder cousins running around forced me to become a fan of comics. Not that I mind. Not surprisingly, my three favourite fandoms are Avengers, Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. I’m ashamed to admit that aside from my evil family that destroyed my psyche, RDJ might be a contributing factor to how far those hobbies went lately :P There are few things that I like more than constructive criticism. I mean, is there any other way to improve, than knowing what you’re doing wrong in the first place? So, feel free to…well, criticise ;) On a more positive note, I always hope that my readers enjoy reading my stories, as much as I like writing them, because I enjoy writing them very much! 9/9/13 Update on my stories: For any and all of you who might be waiting for me to update anything, I thought I'd just leave a note here saying that I don't know when things (aside from Heartless) will get updates. Life takes up most of my time, now that school started again, but there's one more thing that gets in the way. I think I'm scared of writing and publishing anything, including fanfiction. I write non-fiction stuff, I write ff, I write original stories that I put in my drawer, but for some time I've had this blockade in my head telling me that I don't think I can write well anymore. Whenever I open up a document and start typing, I end up deleting everything I've written, because the language is too simplistic, because I'm not getting my message across, because I'm not original enough, because people aren't going to like it... I don't know where it came from, but quite a few people seem to have enjoyed what I write, and I fear that what I create next, just won't be good enough to satisfy either you or myself. Running away from things is what I do and even though not having writing as my outlet anymore sucks, I guess I just need to think this over...Enough of my philosophical rambling, but I thought it would be nice to leave some sort of an update, instead of just abandoning everything without a word... |
AstraGalactic (14) | BloodFromTheThorn (63) |