![]() Author has written 5 stories for Naruto. Oohwee, well my bio was a rollercoaster of teen angst amirite? I mean, I'm sitting here in 2017, reading stuff I wrote about myself back in 2013. and all I can think is "woooah slow your roll, little ball of angst, life isn't that awful". Let's try this again: Hi everyone, my name is Tea, I'm 21, a female, living in Europe. A little about me: still trying to find myself, as I've changed a lot over the years, but the one thing that remains the same now and when I first made this account back in 2011, is my love for anime, and especially Naruto. Favorite bands: PINK FLOYD (forever and always), The Doors, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Arctic Monkeys, Tool... Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings saga, Harry Potter (Potterhead forever), Mr. Nobody, I origins, Shutter Island, Enter the Void, The Fountain... Things/people I dislike: Liars, people who don't have respect for others, weak girls who always need "protecting", negative people, people who put down others to make themselves feel good, people who are fake Interests: Ecology, traveling, animals, writing, drawing, reading, music, Naruto, ItaSaku (my two favorite characters, and yes I'm aware it's completely crack, but I have my reasons, and it still remains my OTP after all these years), SasuSaku, all Sakura couples tbh lol, helping people, meeting people that have some actual worth--someone I can call a true friend, and, finally, finding that place where I belong, some place that I can call my home. Now, as for why am I here in the first place. First of all, I love to write. I was never good at saying my words out loud, but on paper I found a way of expressing myself I didn't know I could before. My writing isn't perfect. It's far from it. But, I'm learning and practicing, and I'm positive I'll get better at it. Second, I found an odd tranquility when I write fanfictions. So, I decided to use my still fresh writing skill for my favorite anime. Naruto. And, of course, my favorite pairing. ItaSaku. You'll be seeing other fanwork as well, like SasuSaku, DeiSaku, ShikaTema... But, mostly involving Itachi and Sakura. Someone might ask "Why ItaSaku?" Firstly, yes, I'm well aware that it's complete crack, but it became my OTP once I started losing faith in SasuSaku and in Sasuke generally. Sakura is my favorite female character in the series. Before the time-skip I found her annoying, weak, a crybaby depending on men who can't do anything right and all in all useless. But, there were a few times even then that she had her good moments. Like the time during the Chuunin exams when she cut her hair and fought Ino. Everything before and after that were all mostly lame to me. But, Sakura after the time-skip is a completely different story. She's gotten stronger, more mature, independent, still cries from time to time (but let's face it who doesn't?), but most importantly she became kick-ass. And everyone who watches the show knows how hard it is for Kishimoto to make decent female characters. Now, as for Itachi... He's the kind of character I would idolize if he was a real person. Now, I know, "he killed his family"(he had a reason, and whenever I hear or read him being called a murderer my stomach churns. Good morning people! They're shinobi! They are ALL murderers) "he's a traitor"(no he's not, so shut up. He's a hero and he should be remembered as one) "he hurt poor Sasuke"(I will only say one thing... Well two actually. I don't give a GODDAMN FUCK about that asshole! And after everything he did no one should. And everything Itachi did was FOR your precious Sasuke so stop bashing him!). Itachi is the best character in the entire show, but apparently Masashi has a thing for killing all of the characters who were awesome (Itachi, Deidara, Asuma, Jiraiya...) and keeping all of the crappy ones (Sasuke, Hinata, Karin-I'm sorry but I just don't like those two...). Either way, in my fanfics I will try my best to keep the characters true to themselves, but if you find little bits of them being OOC, just know that I couldn't help myself. All in all, if you like ItaSaku, SasuSaku, DeiSaku and/or Itachi, Sakura or other Naruto characters in a mix of humor, action and romance (to a normal degree, no crappy fluff stuff), I suggest you stick around. If you don't, well, then have a nice day! |