![]() Author has written 6 stories for A Walk to Remember, Bones, and Castle. Bienvenidos! I'm Katie Beth (Twitter AT MyRandomness03), and here are: Some Undetermined Number Of Things About Me 1. I created this account when I was 13. I am on my second or third username and looking to change it again, but lacking in brilliant ideas. 2. My first fandom was JAG. I shipped Harm/Mac hardcore. I was only 12 when I went online, joined a forum, and wrote my first fanfic. I will always love that ship! 3. On that note, please don't let your 12 year old talk to strangers on the internet. I thought I was smarter than the bad guys, but I wasn't, and while I was lucky, I know first hand how dangerous the internet can be for kids and teens whose judgment and decision making skills are still not fully developed. If you have kids and you want to discuss this further, please PM me - I can't stress how very important this subject is to me. 4. Subsequent fandoms included: A Walk To Remember (canon pairing) - a couple of those stories are still up here, they are terrible, feel free to read and laugh at the middle school nerd who wrote fanfic under her desk during math class. Law & Order SVU (Elliot/Olivia) - Well, I wrote a fic for that one in high school but was never brave enough to publish it. Trust me, this is a good thing. House (House/Cameron) - Wrote a few oneshots on that one but the pairing enthusiasm was pretty thin so they remained scribbled on notebook paper. Gilmore Girls (Luke/Lorelai) - Love these two, was never really able to write them adequately though. The 4400 (Tom/Diana) - Ah, my beloved, short-lived, USA sci fi. More short scenes scribbled on notebook paper prior to the unsatisfactory ending of the show. 5. I am currently active in two fandoms: Bones (Booth/Brennan) - I took a long hiatus from this show after the 100th episode, and again just prior to the season 8 finale, but returned to it earlier this year, binge watched the whole 12 seasons twice, and am now more committed to these two than ever. I have a couple published Bones fics floating around, and even more unpublished or in progress. At least one of them is decent, but as I have had this account for so long, my writing has certainly come a long way even since ~2009 and I won't publish anything new until I really feel it's up to snuff. Castle (Caskett of course) - I love this fandom like a family. It is my family. Despite these two fandoms occasionally not getting along, I know quite a few people who love them both. Caskett are magic on screen (and the only time I will do that 'couple name' thing - *old man voice* - back in my day, we referred to our ships as initials!) and I ADORE them and have read years and years worth of Castle fanfic, written a good bit of it too - but unfortunately, as I'd switched to entirely electronic writing, nearly all my Castle stories were lost in the Blue Screen of Death of 2016. It has been difficult to come back to writing after that, but I am trying! 6. I fail at keeping my FFN profile updated, it's currently 7/6/19, and I hadn't updated this in nearly four years. 7. My name is Kate or Katie. I've not been able to shake the childhood version of my name. Elsewhere I'm MissKatie or CallMeCrazy. Once upon a time when I was a stupid kid, I was JAGfan1. If you remember me from those days, please send me a message... 8. I'm currently 30 with a BA in Public Health and on disability due to various medical issues. I'm keeping busy by being a full time aunt, reading, writing, and a few other hobbies. 9. One of those hobbies is my favorite. I have a black belt in Shito-Ryu karate and it is one of the best things about my life. Since earning my black belt I have started to help teach kids, and there is nothing more empowering than empowering them. 10. My Public Health degree is the result of many years spent as a Child Passenger Safety Technician (you know the people at fire stations who install car seats? I did that for the Health Department.) I have a tendency to ramble about iliac crests and spinal ossification and extended rear facing and locking mechanisms, and this often works its way into my writing. Write what you know, eh? 11. I'm insecure about my writing - actually about a lot of things - so it takes a bit of effort to get up the courage to publish. I'm currently trying to come back from a three year drought following the aforementioned BSOD, but so far I have a bunch of half finished stories and half formed ideas and that's it. 12. I hold other fanfic authors in the highest reverence and try to review at least once per story (otherwise this can be a thankless job - although there is some internal satisfaction to writing something great). 13. I love post-eps and ep inserts - and if no one has written one for an idea that's in my head, I have to write it myself, even if it never makes it off my computer. 14. I rarely read unfinished multichaps (if I do, it's a huge compliment to the author) because I've been left hanging before and it's no fun - but I understand the 'real life' thing and I don't want to be another irritating person who just begs for updates. 15. My number one goal in life is to be a mom. -- I wrote that almost four years ago, and am extremely excited that despite battling endometriosis for over 12 years, I am expecting my little boy in October! 16. I have an angel baby who I lost at 7 weeks, 2 days. Her name is Violet. I do not hesitate to talk to her, but because of the traumatic experience, I simply cannot read stories involving pregnancy loss. I'm not one to tell others what to write, but on this one, I implore you, if you write that - please give me and other grieving mothers the courtesy of a trigger warning. 17. I have raised, for various numbers of years, several children who were not my own. I like to joke that I take in stray humans. The oldest of those kids is now 20 and I could not be more proud of her. Despite the pain and drama this has invited to my life, I wouldn't do anything differently, because it has also been wonderful. 18. I just realized some of these things are rather depressing, so I decided to inform you all that I find llamas amusing. 19. I don't like dogs. At all. But I love cats. I have three, and have fostered who knows how many litters for a local rescue. 20. Though I never entered into the fanfiction world, I am a huge fan of the Hunger Games series and think Suzanne Collins is spectacular for managing to write that whole series in first person present tense and not have it feel jarring. 21. I was a total nerd in school and I still am one and I have no regrets. 22. I've had thirteen surgeries. A blood donor saved my life in 2011. Please donate blood! 23. My best friend passed away after a five and a half year battle with bone cancer on July 15, 2011. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. She humored my fanfiction addiction quite well. Though I have reached a place where I am both sad to have lost her and glad to have known her, there are obviously Bones fics I shy away from due to this experience. 24. I'm very petite and easily underestimated and I love it, because it's a mistake you'll only make once. 25. My absolute favorite thing to do is spend time with my family. Very few people have come into my life and stayed - so I really appreciate the ones who do. 26. I uhm. Like reading M!fic. *Blush* 27. I identify strongly with the female leads in my favorite shows. I know they're fictional, but sometimes a character's strength helps give me strength. Sometimes they make me feel like it's okay to be who I am, when that's the opposite of the message I hear everywhere else. 28. I have double jointed thumbs and I will take ANYONE on in thumb wrestling and WIN. ;) 29. I'm a grammar/spelling enthusiast... please try to use these devices correctly, it makes your stories so much better. Get a beta reader, I hear they rock. And no matter how sure you are, please google your character names to make sure you're spelling them right... I spelled 'Temperance' wrong for like two years. 30. I'm always up for talking to anyone about anything, so feel free to PM me - just forgive me when I don't friend everyone on facebook, etc - life has taught me that you do have to take certain precautions even though the majority of people are good. I'm also on Twitter AT MyRandomness03, where I tweet about fandom stuff and sometimes politics because I'm opinionated as hell - but also not a jerk, so don't worry, I can tolerate disagreement on most things. 31. Did I mention I like fanfic recommendations? Especially a well-written post-ep or M!fic... ;) 32. I feel like I originally concluded this in some way but I can't think of anything now and that was probably way too much information anyways and I'm tired so... the end. |