Poll: So I'm curious and bored and I know people like doing polls , and I wanted to know, what is your favorite story of mine? Vote Now!
Author has written 13 stories for Resident Evil series, Misc. Movies, Lost Girl, and Hunger Games. About me... my official favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast but Resident Evil is right behind that. I love snow. I have the biggest ego my side of the world and I'm extremely competitive. I love a good argument and a good joke. The Difference Between Us (an RE collaboration between myself and Cantholdon) can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/6805568/1/The_Difference_Between_Us Reviews on anything are always welcome. :) Seriously, I don't think you know how happy they make me...imagine the next Resident Evil movie only with an Alice and Claire kiss - okay maybe they don't make me that happy, but still they make me pretty f*cking happy. "A World Without Heroes" cover page may be found here: http:///img717/733/colorawwh4.jpg All stories that were unfinished have been taken down. If I ever do finish them, they will be re-posted in their entirety. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's unfinished stuff. So from now on, any fanfiction I write will be completed before a single chapter is posted. I hope you guys are cool with that. UPDATE: And it's been one-million years since I've been on this site, but I'm dropping by to let any lingering readers know that I'm a self-published author now! Look up Gal Pal Publishing sometime. I'd also like to say thank you to every reader and reviewer. Your early words of encouragement mean the world to me. You helped give me the confidence to share my stories, and I'm eternally grateful. Thank you. |
ClaireAbernathy (6) fembuck (318) | iDreamofLove (1) ToryV (31) | Vslayer (8) |