![]() Author has written 7 stories for Hunger Games, Eternal Darkness, Mass Effect, and Prototype. Well, since I'm finally 'back' to fanfiction, I thought I might as well do this whole profile thing now. I'll probably update this page with info on the stories I'm currently writing every so often, if my laziness doesn't get in the way. So cool news guys, I have a beta named R3aper, and he's a freaking awesome person who edits my craziness. We met on this blog called the Beta Matchmaker by Roarkshop and KimDemon13, check it out if you want be a beta/get one, it's pretty awesome, and if hadn't found it, I probably wouldn't have gotten one ever. UPDATE: Hi guys! I realized it's been a long time since I've updated this, so I thought I'd type you a little message to let y'all know I'm still kickin'. I apologize Ouroboros is taking some time again; the new narrative direction I'm taking with part two is a lot more difficult to write and I've been having problems coming up with good material that also makes sense with where and how I want the story to go. Anywhosit, school has recently bombarded me with end of the year projects and I'm pretty swamped. But afterwards I'll be free for the entire summer, so hopefully I'll update more frequently (no promises though; I'm terrible at keeping them). Alright, that's about all I've got to say for the moment, and I hope to update for you all soon! Cheerio! Writing Style
Maternal Tragedy Twisted YOU ARE A SALTY POTATO Ouroboros Basically, Ouroboros is about a Human Colony that was attacked during the First Contact War, not by Turians, but by Batarian Pirates, and all sorts of things happen as to where a turian squad is trapped on the planet in the middle of the invasion with no hope of evac, and their only allies are a local colonist, and her six year-old little sister. I'm enjoying writing it a lot, and hopefully it will make it beyond the first chapter. P.S.: I know I'm being super paranoid about this, but I'm just going to put this out there. Ouroboros, has nothing to do with Sound the Clarion's story, or universe, it is still set in the original Mass Effect timeline. Just wanted to let you guys know, if you were confused, and if you weren't, please, feel free to laugh at my paranoia. One last thing though. If you have actually taken the time to read this, then go read Sound the Clarion, it's one of the best fics I've ever read. Zero Upcoming Fic Thoughts Right now, the only thing I have occupying my brain (besides Ouroboros, calm down) is a re-write of Resident Evil: Revelations where Rachael survives and accompanies Jill and Parker on their trip through the Zenobia. I have decided that I will write it, but I want to get a decent distance into Ouroboros and even then, It'll be a side project. Still, if you're interested in it, please let me know. Other Crap What? Still here? Well, I commend you for your tenacity. I'll probably just put random crap about myself in this section, for those of you who care. Hobbies: Writing; Reading; Video Games; Temple Run; Playing the Viola. Music: Techno/Trance; JRock (Currently listening to One Ok Rock and Anna Tsuchiya). Food: Goldfish, delicious, salty Goldfish; Cola and Dr. Pepper; Chinese food (Mostly, Beef with Garlic Sauce); Lemon Drops. (I have such a healthy diet, don't I? Believe it or not, I'm actually underweight.) Current Obsessions: Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Fanfiction. Currently Playing: Legend of Dragoon for PS1, Persona 3 Portable, Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Temple Run: Brave. Currently Reading: Any piece of Mass Effect Garrus/FemShep fanfiction I can get my grubby mitts on. Agonizing Over: Going to a beach in Florida. Ever. Again.; The thought that people might hate Ouroboros (What can I say? It's a double edged sword.); Taking almost an hour to type up a simple profile; the fact that gas stations in the southern United States don't sell boxes of the original flavored Mike and Ikes that were made in the last year. (Seriously, buying a box of candy that's supposed to be good for three years, and finding out that it expires next month, is not a pleasant experience); School, in general; My summary for Zero, god it's just so bad. Favorite Video Game Characters: Nihlus Kryik, Mass Effect; Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect; Jack, Mass Effect; Rachael Foley, Resident Evil: Revelations; Excella Gionne, Resident Evil 5; Sheva Alomar, Resident Evil 5; Ada Wong, Resident Evil; Stacey Forsythe, Dead Rising 2; Koki Kariya, The World Ends With You; Koromaru, Persona 3; Haseo/Skeith, .Hack G.U.; Mitsuru Kirijo, Persona 3; Rose, Legend of Dragoon; Mistral, Metal Gear Rising; Bladewolf/LQ-84i, Metal gear Rising. (In regards to Nihlus and Rachael, yes, I know they die in the first hour of gameplay, the reason why I like them both so much is completely irrational, so don't worry about it.) Favorite Video Games: The World Ends With You, DS; Resident Evil 2, PSX, Gamecube, N64; Mass Effect series, 360, PS3; Saints Row the Third, 360, PS3; Demon's Souls, PS3; The 3rd Birthday, PSP. (There are probably more, but this is off the top of my head.) Favorite Authors: Dean Koontz, Scott Westerfeld, Garth Nix. Movie Rant: So, I just saw Resident Evil: Degeneration the other day. I have to say that that was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, if only because it was Resident Evil. I also have to say that I loved every second of it, mostly because it was so bad it was hilarious. I'm not really bashing it per se, I just don't like some of the things they did, and others were so ridiculous that I started laughing aloud. Funny how I laugh at a 'horror' movie, but, there you go. Anyway, those are just my thoughts on the matter. Oh, and I love the ending credits song, very nice. Quotes I Find Amusing "It's kinda funny, because you're face has only like, three emotions." "I'm Anastasia, and I approve this message. Kids, get over here!" A portly African American woman at an apple orchard. "Curiosity killed the cat; satisfaction brought him back." Eugene O'Neil. The paraphrase is one I heard in the song "Rise Up" by Lotus Juice. Final Notice:If you ever need to ask a question about one of my fics or just want to chat, feel free to PM me. I don't really have a lot going on right now, and I have this amazing thing called a smart phone that lets me answer E-mails whenever I want to, so it would be no trouble at all. Wow, did you actually read all of that? You deserve an internet cookie. Or... I don't know, something for all your trouble. |