A/N: Providing you all with the chapter you deserve before the Normandy moves on to the Citadel. Approx 2 more chapters left. Enjoy!

After bidding Tali and Legion farewell, Shepard hesitantly boarded the Normandy. She knew she had to face Saren but didn't look forward to his ire. Her response to his concern regarding Adam was obviously hurtful. But she had no intention of discussing personal matters – especially her history with Adam – in front of the whole team.

The moment she entered the ship, she received a very pleasant greeting from both Joker and EDI. However, as she was about to head to the CIC she noticed that an individual seated next to the pilot had said nothing. She glanced once over her shoulder at the figure and instantly had to do a double-take. It was as she feared. The robotic woman that had given her one hell of a black eye sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking rather content.

"J-Joker?" Shepard stammered, not taking her eyes off the machine. Her hand instantly went to her side, looking frantically for her pistol. When it was nowhere to be found – as she had been unarmed since Purgatory – she reactively activated her omni-tool's blade.

"What's up, Commander?" Joker questioned, spinning in his chair. He looked rather pleased with himself. What was the deal?

"That," she uttered, pointing to the robot which also turned in its chair.

Then it spoke to her. "Is there a problem, Commander?" It had EDI's voice!

Shepard's omni-blade deactivated when it struck her what was going on. "EDI? Is that you in that… that thing?"

The robot woman nodded. "Indeed, Commander. I was able to transfer my consciousness into this body. I must admit it had taken some getting used to. I'm not use to being so… mobile."

"And hot!" Joker chimed in, obviously overjoyed by EDI's new appearance.

Shepard released a breath of air she'd been holding back. "Well, please give me a heads-up next time you decide to switch bodies."

EDI nodded. "I will inform you as soon as I choose which crew member I'd like to transfer to next." When Shepard's mouth fell open in shock she added, "I'm just messing with you."

"Yeah… We're still working on that," Joker murmured.

The commander grinned awkwardly. "Well, you two have fun."

"See ya, Commander!" Joker exclaimed.

Shepard proceeded on her destination route, through the CIC and taking the elevator to her cabin. She was determined to shower before braving the trek to the Starboard Observatory.

When she was finally refreshed, no longer feeling the grime of Cerberus upon her, she threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and returned to the elevator. When she thought the elevator couldn't have possibly gone any slower, she peered down at the Starboard Observatory door and instantly regretted her impatience. Why did Saren have this strange way of making her, Commander Shepard, feel as if she was losing her gall? And, oddly enough, she actually liked it sometimes. Sighing to herself, she mustered up the resolve to head straight for that door, not stopping until it opened.

She peered in to find Saren, seated on the couch with his back to her, peering out the large window. When she cleared her throat, he made no effort to turn. Yep, definitely mad.

Shepard proceeded in her attempts to grasp at his attention by slithering forward over the back of the couch and flopping over it to lay with her head on his lap. She peered up at him as he continued to stare straight forward. After pushing her head back and moving from side to side against his groin, she was pleased to feel some type of reaction from him. Curious to see how far she could take it until he lost control, she raised herself up to straddle him. The thin fabric of her cropped shorts certainly made the contact more intense as she shifted herself atop her turian lover. She grinned as his breath grew ragged and she knew he wouldn't be able to resist her much longer. His enlarged, hardened member throbbed against her with need and she loved it.

When he finally allowed himself to gaze upon her, the look in her eyes made something within him snap. The intense yearning he saw deep within her expression shook him to his core. He growled lustfully, gripping her soft hips in his clawed hands. He wanted her desperately, now more than ever. Being separated from her for these past few days - not knowing for certain if she was even alive - made him feel dead inside. And when she returned he quickly felt his passions become reignited. But then, that human he'd seen at Purgatory showed up. He smelled his desire for his bond mate and it nearly drove him mad. But now here she was. With him; and it made him feel whole again. She was his.

As lust and need came over him, he shifted her from his lap and onto her stomach atop the couch. He grinned at her cry of surprise. Pulling her hips up toward him, he quickly discarded her lower coverings to reveal the soft flesh of her backside. In turn, he quickly removed his trousers, relieved to free his painfully stiff cock. Careful of his claws, he ran his fingers gently over enticing the pink flesh of her nether regions. The moment she moaned in response, his primal urges flared up, making the need to sate himself uncontrollable. Not wasting any more time, he pierced through her velvety folds, sheathing himself within her warmth. He hissed as she constricted around him, the sudden wave of pleasure rippling through his body. He pulled out slightly only to thrust back inside her. Her slick juices made the movement almost effortless. He repeated, this time with more force, burying himself deep in his mate as she vocally expressed her pleasure.

Shepard gripped the cushion of the couch tightly as Saren pounded into her more quickly. His hard, burning member filled her, stroking every inch of her with each thrust. Her mewls of pleasure where met with his grunts and snarls.

Saren came quickly, the tightness of his mate becoming too much to bear. He released himself into her, his body jerking as he continued to thrust his hips forward, unwilling to stop. But, eventually his movements slowed. His need for her unsated, he lifted her back to a straddling position on his lap.

"That was… Wow," she said breathlessly. Sweat beaded on her brow and her breath came out raspy with arousal.

"I'm not done yet with you yet," he purred.

She chuckled. "I hope not. I didn't come yet."

"We'll have to change that then. But first… Tell me you're mine," he rumbled deeply.

She smiled broadly, her features shining as the green glow from the implant moved about her skin. "I'm yours," she told him without hesitation.

He looked pleased at this and his eyes burned with the intensity of two stars. "And I will forever be yours, Shepard."

She was still very wet and ready for him when he entered her again. Their bodies moved roughly against one another as they became consumed in their intense lovemaking. This time he was able to focus on the pleasure of their intimacy rather than a quick release. It wasn't until he saw to it that she had reached her peak that he finally allowed himself to come again.

As they lay entwined together after having expelled their last bit of energy, Shepard couldn't help but dwell on the upcoming mission to the Citadel and what it may mean for her. For them. She wasn't sure what fate awaited her, only that she was destined to face the Citadel's true form. The Illusive Man's words resonated in her mind. Would she need to control it? Or could she simply talk to it; convince it to call off the Reapers' destruction?

She peered at Saren who was resting peacefully beside her. Lightly, she traced her fingertips over his faceplates, admiring the smooth, hard texture. What would he do if she didn't make it? He had changed so much these past few months. Would her death destroy him, or would he find it in himself to continue on? She hoped the latter.

Putting aside those thoughts for now, she suddenly decided she was rather thirsty. Carefully, she removed his arm from around her and slid off him until her feet hit the floor. She dressed quietly and plodded out of the room, towards the mess. Upon arrival she spotted Mordin seated at one of the tables, sipping at some tea.

"Hey Mordin. What are you doing sitting out here?"

He perked up at the sound of her voice. Giving her one of his mischievous smiles he explained, "It would seem Doctor Chakwas is relieving some stress with an old friend."

"Relieving some—Ohh..." She wasn't about to question with whom Karin was relieving stress. Sometimes it was best not to know.

"It's good that you and Saren are finding time to do the same," he said, taking an elongated sip of tea.

Shepard blushed. "Were we that loud?"

He didn't respond with an answer, only smiled merrily.

Sighing, she trekked to the refrigerator and grabbed a cool drink before seating herself across from the salarian. After pulling off the cap and taking a much needed sip, the unnerving thoughts began creeping back into her consciousness.

"Something the matter, Shepard?" Mordin asked with concern.

She pushed the cap around on the table, hesitating on a response. While she didn't much want to repeat the things The Illusive Man had said, Shepard knew she needed to confide in someone about her daunting task. That someone couldn't be Saren since he would refuse she proceed with it. No, she couldn't tell him. Not yet. Mordin, on the other hand… She knew he would provide her with the unbiased advice she would need to push forward.

"Mordin, can I talk to you about something?"

Mordin smiled, seemingly happy that she was confiding in him. "Certainly, Shepard."