![]() Author has written 10 stories for Vampire Diaries, American McGee's Alice, and Alice in Wonderland. -- WARNING: -- you have just entered a page of COMPLETE awesomeness... Bio: Alright so first of alls..the names Dani, Well it's Danielle but EVERY and I mean EVERYONE calls me Dani. And Yes, I love The Vampire Diaries. What team am I on?, well thats obvious, Team Stefan. But I do admire the whole Damon/Elena relationship. I love writing stories about. And sorry to tell you but I hate Twilight. I don't think any vampire should sparkle at all, and whoever was writing the book at the time was high. But whatever that's my opinion. The famous author L.J Smith is my hero. I love all of her work. And soon one day hope to become an author. Well review and I hope you enjoy my stories. ;) -Dani XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOXXXXXXOOOOOOXXXXOOOO Unforgotten Face: Elena's Dress-Chapters 1 and 2:http:///_VxteTMLfNLc/STk4fw4iofI/AAAAAAAACSU/W2F2mn5gYoI/s400/pretty+dress+2.jpg Elena's Dress-Chapter 3 (When she wakes up): http:///products/big/38/2009072108321125.jpg Elena's Dress- Chapter 3 (At night, Dinner Party): http:///products/big/71/20100616204622.jpg CURRENTLY I AM WORKING ON: What I Want Is You (new chapter) |