Note: Okay so today after school I got this crazy idea in my head. I mean since it's almost Christmas time and all...well I couldn't resist! 'Damon's Christmas Carol' based on the famous book 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens! Enjoy!
BTW, This is still based on The Vampire Diaries in the present time I guess...yeah. Just putting that out there. ENJOY AND REVIEW!
The Vampire Diaries-
Damon's Christmas Carol
Chapter 1- The Past
Damon lay in his bed, tired from the morning. Lets just say, today wasn't a good day for Damon.
First of all it hadn't been a could catch at all, all day! Everyone was out of town for the Holidays and just to make it worse it was that time of the year.
The time of the year where you go to the mall and spend to much money on gifts that you buy for other people. The time of the year that everyone is putting up fake artificial trees in there houses and then put neon lights on them. The time of the year when it is freezing, especially in Virginia! The time of the year when children think some man in a white beard and a red jumpsuit is going to come to there house and put gifts under there trees. (Which isn't stalker-ish AT ALL by the way).
And the time of the year Damon hated. Christmas.
Damon truly didn't see any point in it. I mean a red nosed reindeer? Get real...
So that is why on the night of all nights, Christmas eve itself, Damon was in the boarding house, sulking in his bed, all alone. Even Stefan was off with Elena at her house having dinner. She had invited him, but of course his stubborn self refused.
Damon grabbed his phone to look at Elena and his earlier text messages.
Elena- Hey are you alright?
Damon- Just peachy, dear.
Elena- Well what are you doing tonight?
Damon- Wow, already asking me out are we?
Damon smirked at this.
Elena- Haha. Well if you would actually get in the sun a while...(excuse the joke) you would have been realized its Christmas Eve.
Damon- I do get in the sun, and I don't live in a cave. Little Elena. I know what day it is.
Elena- Well whatever, my family is having a Christmas dinner. You can come if you want to. Stefan's coming.
Damon- Hmm, tempting but I will have to pass. Sorry I can't accompany you. I know how much you love my presence.
Damon's smirk grew.
Damon- :)
Elena- :( Well have a nice night alone Damon.
Damon- Be better if you were here sitting with me in my bed. ;)
After that Elena didn't text back. Oh how he did love messing with her.
Damon flopped over to another side on the bed like he had been doing every five minutes.
"I am SO BORED." Damon said to himself out loud.
The clock struck eleven o'clock. Ringing from the bottom floor all the way to the 3rd story where Damon's room was.
About a minute later, Damon heard something coming towards his door. Probably Stefan. Damon slid down more deeply into the bed in boredom covering the arch of his nose, down in white and black sheets.
Damon listened more closely and realized that, that wasn't Stefan's footsteps. Stefan's footsteps were much lighter, these were heavier and deeper. As they came closer towards the outside of Damon's bed room door. Damon shot up in alert and was on his feet in no time.
Then the door flung open sending Damon across the room. Damon looked up, rubbing the back of his head that had hit the wall first. In front of him was a man. Somewhat around his 70's or 80's in a white robe and long white hair. The first thing that came to mind was-
How hard did I hit my head?
"Who the hell-?"
"Shush my boy." Said the old man.
Damon got back on his feet slowly and looked at the man questionably. Damon was about 2 inches taller than him.
"Boy? Trust me! I may look young but I have been alive quite along time my friend. So if anyone should be calling anyone boy-"
The man interrupted again. "My life in eternal. I have walked in this earth from past to present. And soon to future as well as you."
"Should I know what your talking about because I really don't." Damon said.
"I am from the past. Before the sands of time. I am, boy, The Ghost Of Christmas Past." Said the man. Who was now slightly floating a near 6 centimeters off the ground.
Damon was really confused. This must be a dream.
"You do not understand this lovely holiday, and for that I will show you your past Christmas joining, your present, and your yearning future."
The ghost quickly grabbed Damon's hand and everything in his room seemed to disappear and then they were off. Damon's eyes were forced closed by the heavy wind brought to his face. And then they made a brutal stop, and made Damon loose his balance.
"Look." Was all the Ghost said. Damon turned the way the ghosts finger was pointing. Damon looked through a foggy window.
"Brother! Brother!" Called a fair-haired brown haired little boy. About three feet tall and around the age 5 or 6. The boy ran to another window. His shaggy hair bouncing as he ran.
"Brother! Hurry!" He called again. "Look at the snow!"
Another dark haired little boy, black hair and same height as the other boy, came running down the stairs towards his brother. "Wow!" Was all he said.
By the instant he looked through the window he knew exactly where he was. 1846, Virgina, Mystic Falls. At the house he knew all to well. With the swing on the porch the two-story house with the guest house in the back yard. The house he grew up in.
An in a instant he knew who the little boys where. Him and Stefan. When they were toddlers. Damon didn't even dare make a smile.
"Why are you taking me here?" Damon asked and turned to the man.
"You need to see." Said the white haired ghost.
"See what?" Damon asked annoyed. The ghost didn't reply.
The brown haired boy, which was obviously Stefan turned to face little Damon. "How about we play a game?" He asked with a cute smile, lifting his cheeks in the air. Oh how they used to love each other.
"Like what?" The black haired boy asked in a baby-ish tone.
"Like...-" Before the boy could finish, a man with brown hair, and tired eyes walked in the room. It was Giuseppe, Stefan and Damon's father.
"Dinner time boys." Said his deep voice. Stefan ran to the dining room. Damon stayed behind. Giuseppe looked over his shoulder. "Coming, son?"
"I will wash up." Damon said simply. His father nodded and followed Stefan. Damon wasn't planning on really 'washing up'.
He ran the opposite direction. Towards there dimly lite tree. Which under contained many gifts. So many different colors. Damon was tempted to open everyone of them. And of course his thoughts thought for himself. Damon ripped every single present open.
In the Dinning Room Stefan, there mother Josephine, and Giuseppe sat waiting for Damon.
"I wonder where you brother is." Said Stefan's father. Stefan shrugged shoving meat into his mouth.
Older Damon almost forgot that the Ghost was there. "I remember this." Damon said. "I know what will happen." The Ghost ignored him.
Giuseppe got up and left the Dining room.
Damon was having fun looking at the gifts, throwing all of Stefan's in a corner. Then suddenly Damon heard loud footsteps and froze in shock. There stood his father, shocked.
"Son." He said simply looking at all of the destroyed gifts. "What have you done?"
"Father, I can-" Damon stopped, trailing off.
"Go. Now."
"But daddy-"
"Now!" yelled Giuseppe. "You will not be served dinner, nor' will you get to come downstairs on Christmas morning. You will stay in your room.".
Soon Josephine and with Stefan behind her looked at the presents and then at Damon.
At that moment. Damon felt completely betrayed and after that began to loose interest in the holiday.
All of the eyes of his family staring him down in horror.
Authors Note: You like? Sad isn't it? Next chap will be up soon! Elena and Damon juicy goodness will come next! :) Couldn't have a story without it!