Poll: Should the Doctor appear in SIEMM? Vote Now!
Author has written 3 stories for Torchwood, Doctor Who, and Sandman. Hullo, deario, and welcome to this profile :3 I can't be bothered with a long profile at this time of the day (night) but I'll give you some info. I'm currently obssessed with Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock Holmes (BBC, Granada, the original stories, the -09 movie.) I love Tim Burton, Neil Gaiman, Philip Pullman and lots of other people. I have a knack for songfics at the moment, so expect more of those! Fun fact: Reunion, which I dislike, have 155 visitors this month (January), while Diamonds and Cherries, which I love, have 13 visitors. What is with you people? XD All hail november 23rd! Official Doctor Who day :D And the reason we let them get away with it, is because they killed their own people, and we're sort of fine with that. Holmes: "The plot thickens!" Lestrade: "It was quite thick enough before!" I'm not insane. My mother had me tested. Bowties are cool. This is the only copy/paste you'll ever find on my profile: Copy/paste this if nana51 @ devART have renewed your belief in lesbians not being viewed as porn objects. Apparantly I write like I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing! |