Author has written 15 stories for Trigun, Hellsing, D.Gray-Man, Final Fantasy VII, and Trinity Blood.
Warning: This is a Kappa zone! All those that wish to retain their innocents should turn back now or subject themselves to mental torture of the unimaginable kind.
All right! Now that that is out of the way! I'll have to list all my fav pairings and ... -looks around to see some curious innocent ones still present- other things, at a later date.
Fav Pairs:
Trinity Blood-
Tres/Abel (Favorite!)
Abel/Hugue (Just cute)
Abel/Caterina (Only het pairing I like)
Alucard/Integra (Cannon het)
Pip/Seras (Cannon het)
Alucard/Walter (Favorite yaoi)
Alucard/ as long as it's forced I don't really care (Twisted Kappa)
D Gray Man-
Allen/Lenalee (Cannon het)
Allen/Lavi (Cannon yaoi If you ask me it should be)
Allen/Kanda (IDK why I like this pair I just do)
Allen/Cross (Cuz I am, again, a twisted Kappa)
Tyki/ Don't care, is rape time
Hakkai/Gojyo (And loves switch stories!)
Sanzo/Goku (Tend to be cute)
Sanzo/Gojyo (If I'm being really weird)
Vincent/Reno (Hey, Vince loves red XD)
Vincent/Cloud (Are emo enough to make each other happy -fear the end of Planet-)
Vincent/Cid (Cuz sometimes Vince likes being told what to do)
Vincent/Do you get the pattern yet? XDD
Full Metal Alchemist-
Ed/Roy (Just giggle)
Elricest (Am twisted, and the damn fanfics got me started on this pair!)
Vash/Wolfwood (Cannon yaoi, gotta love it)
Vash/Knives (Twincest is just hot specially forced)
Wincest (Blaim the fandom, they brought it on themselves)
Dean/Castiel (Cannon! CANNON! CANNON DAMN YOU!)
Dean/Gabriel (They are too much alike not to be fucking)
Castiel/Gabriel (Angelcest is just hot, plus Cas has to learn somehow)
Sam/Gabriel (Gabe is too much like Dean not to be getting some from Sam)
Did I mention I like "Team Free Love"? (BEWARE) Hehehehe
Gibbs/DiNozzo (IDK where this came from, but it makes sense)
Dark Angel-
Logan/Alec (Why haven't I discovered this pairing before D:
Ben/Alec (hey twincest/clonecest is just hot)