![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Shugo Chara!, Vocaloid, and Kingdom Hearts. Hello~ My name's Morgan, but you can call me Morgie or Porg, or something. xD I don't really mind. Animes/Mangas:// (Underlined means I'm willing to do a fanfic for it, if you'd like. Bold means there's a fic in the process/going to be in the process. Italic means I'm doing no more fics for it.) Games:// Only Misc. is Vocaloid, for now. Always up for Vocaloid. Story Statuses. Banana Split AI:// KaitoxLen. Definitely my most popular fanfiction so far. Rated M for language and yaoi-ness from chapter 8 and plus. Love writing this, love that people like it, LOVE reviews and +alerts/+faves. What Are You Doing?:// AkuRoku. Only a one-shot for my best bud's birthday. Nothing to say here. Dare of a Lifetime:// KukaixTadase. Erm... DoaL is rarely updated. So dead that me and my friend forget about it... a lot. But we're trying to find time to RP this again, promise! Marauders; The True Story!:// No certain pairing. Also rarely updated, I've lost a bit of interest in Harry Potter, but trust me, I get a lot of people asking for me to continue, so I'll try my best to update. Other? I loooove reviews and such. I love suggestions. I love PMs. I love roleplaying. If you want to do any of the above, be my guest. c: You can contact me through PMs, email, or Skype (Morgie.Porg). (': |