Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. August 21, 2013:Two years later and I happen to be back. Life happens, but I'm very thankful to anyone still interested in my stories! -Remember: Some authors doubt themselves or are looking for advice. If you read a chapter or a fic that you like, let the author know. If you think something could be better or notice something that you think the author missed, send them advice. Most of the writers on this site want to make their stories better, so let them know how they're doing or how they can make that improvement! -Note: I am not British. I am an American. If you are going to Brit pick, that's great because I want to fix that, but do not put me, my writing skills, or my country down just because of it. And at least have the courage to actually be signed in. -I used to write under a different name, years and years ago. If I'm honest, I was probably too young. Then high school happened and suddenly I am now a college graduate, hoping to go back to graduate school and working in the meantime. I wanted to start writing again, but I know that my writing has changed and while my old fics will always hold a place in my heart, I wanted to write away from them. I look back now and there's a new group of people around. WIKTT used to rule to school (with Severus and Hermione fics at least) when I started and now they don't pop up too often with challenges, which is sad and makes me feel sort of nostalgic. It probably means I've hung around too long, but I love fanfiction and I'm glad to be back. |