Author has written 6 stories for SeaQuest, Ironman, and Chuck. Hi and welcome to my profile! I write under several aliases and my own name. Around here, I go by Vici, or if you're under age 20, feel free to call me "Granny Vici". I actually have real-life grandchildren. Yes, that is me in the avatar. Château d'If closeup. For chapter 25 of Hard Time. Picture taken in 1905. (www[dot]culture[dot]gouv[dot]fr/Wave/image/memoire/1069/sap05_lcr01452_p[dot]jpg) If and surrounding islands. Also from 1905. (www[dot]culture[dot]gouv[dot]fr/Wave/image/memoire/1070/sap05_lcr01500_p[dot]jpg) *Reviews are the only "payment" a fanfic writer can hope for, so if you like a story that is shared for FREE, then reviewing is the best way to repay that favor. I APPRECIATE and sincerely covet all no-strings-attached reviews, no matter how long since I finished the story.* HOWEVER: If the only reason you are reviewing my stories is because you hope/expect it will get your story reviewed in return, please just don't. I generally don't play review games. I seek heartfelt reviews done by people genuinely interested in my stories, not those done out of obligation or to try to make me feel indebted. I don't have a lot of time to read and I am very picky about what I like. I also try to follow the Golden Rule (review others as I would like to be reviewed) while still being HONEST. Since these principles are often in conflict, I revert to the Thumper Principle (if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all). I'm collecting articles that explain or defend the practice of writing fanfiction. TIME magazine: The Boy Who Lived Forever (content[dot]time[dot]com/time/arts/article/0,8599,2081784,00[dot]html ) TOR publishing: The Bodies of the Girls Who Made Me ( www[dot]tor[dot]com/2018/04/09/the-bodies-of-the-girls-who-made-me-fanfic-and-the-modern-world/) Slate magazine: Wool Author Hugh Howey on Fanfiction (slate[dot]com/articles/arts/books/2014/01/wool_author_hugh_howey_on_fan_fiction_and_kurt_vonnegut[dot]html ) The Daily Dot: Complete Guide to Fanfiction (dailydot[dot]com/geek/complete-guide-to-fanfiction/ ) The Daily Dot: Ten Famous Authors Who Write Fanfiction (dailydot[dot]com/culture/10-famous-authors-fanfiction/ ) The Guardian: How Fanfiction Went Mainstream (amp[dot]theguardian[dot]com/books/2018/aug/08/fanfiction-fifty-shades-star-trek-harry-potter/ ) LiveJournal: Huge List of COMMERCIAL Fanfiction (bookshop[dot]livejournal[dot]com/1044495[dot]html ) Connect with me: Facebook ( ) Blog (cfvici[dot]blogspot[dot]com ) Email: cfvici [at] AOL [dot] com |