![]() Author has written 5 stories for SeaQuest. Hi, I'm Heart-Of-A-Volunteer, so called because the quote, "There's Nothing Stronger Than The Heart Of A Volunteer," from Pearl Harbor, is one of my favourites. As you can see from the profile picture, my main fandom is seaQuest. I've been a fan of the show since way back when it was shown on ITV on Saturday afternoons and I'd beg my Mum and Dad to record it on the VCR whenever we were away from the house. Only one of those episodes survived and it's all I had to rely on while I, like every seaQuest fan, hoped and waited for Universal to play nice and release it on DVD. But I didn't complain too much - it was the Season Two episode where Ortiz runs around baring his chest. Perhaps that's where my fixation on his character came from - hmmm. Other fandoms I glance at every now and then include Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, One Tree Hill, Roswell, Twilight, Bones, CSI (Las Vegas)...and I discover new things all the time. I started writing for seaQuest in March 2008 with two stories (KMF and ASIOK) introducing and developing an OC within the setting of the show. The majority of my stories, with the exception of some short challenges, involve her character, but I promise she does become far more background. I'm hoping I've been able to add her in without diminishing the feeling of the show. The first two stories really set the scene and everything after that is completely AU - it's how I imagine things might have been if the Hyperion storyline had never happened. Here's a run down of what I've written, and plan to write. These are all written in, and are intended to be read in, the following order. Preludes - 1. Keep Moving Forward (complete and posted) - The seaQuest accomodates two scientists for a five-month research project, who cause more upheaval than expected, particularly for one member of the crew. Set during Season One. (Banner) 2. A Stranger I Once Knew (complete and posted) - Reunions are bittersweet, as secrets from the past are finally revealed and the crew face an uncertain future as animosity towards the UEO begins to surface. Set during Season Two. Strays into AU - this is my alternate ending for the second season. (Banner) 3. Strong Enough To Break (complete and posted) - While staying with his family in Cuba, Miguel reveals to Beth the tragic circumstances that led to his enrolment in the navy. Not as mushy as it sounds (well, ok maybe a bit.) (Banner) 'Season Three' - (Promotional Poster) 4. Facing Down The Past (complete - currently being posted) - The crew reunite for the third tour, still struggling to come to terms with the events of a few months earlier and the political situation left in it's wake. While Nathan and Kristin attend the opening of a museum in Alexandria, Ford and Brody have to face down an old adversary. (Now a very slight crossover with the UK TV series, Primeval.) (Banner) 5. Perception (in progress) - While seaQuest hosts the eccentric pioneer, Doctor Raleigh Young, Ford and Brody are assigned to Section Seven to prevent an assassination attempt on the newly elected President, and along with an old crewmate they find themselves embroiled in a political conspiracy. (Banner) 6. Delirium (planning stages) - While transporting a team of key UEO research personnel the crew experiences a mass outbreak of amnesia, culminating in a surprising showdown on the bridge. 7. Red Tide (planning stages) - The seaQuest is tasked to investigate when an outbreak of toxic algal blooms along the eastern seaboard of North America threatens both human health and local economies. (Promotional Still) 8. Exitus acta probat (planning stages) - Two new faces finally reveal their hidden agenda, leading the crew into a fight against their own in a desperate attempt to avert world war. 9. I Know Not What I Do (planning stages) - Nathan takes the seaQuest to Dagger Island to visit Sarah and Thomas, the GELF couple he befriended at the start of the second tour, and their child, in an attempt to heal some old wounds and confess hidden secrets from his past. But when someone takes exception to those secrets, a crewmates' life is put in jeopardy. 10. Queen of the Sea (planning stages) - In the midst of a hurricane, the UEO hosts its' annual high-class party in thanks to those who contribute funds for R&D aboard the seaQuest. But the party is cut short when the boat receives a distress call from the Captain of a stricken HR Clinton. Slight crossover with Smallville. 11. Leave Taking (planning stages) - While on a re-supply stop in New Cape Quest, a much-anticipated day of shore leave results in some shocking discoveries and the unexpected loss of two crewmembers. 12. Friction Burn (planning stages) - Evidence is uncovered implicating the illusive Chaodai Confederation in illegal mining operations, stirring up old hosilities and threatening to destabilise political relations, prompting the UEO to send in the seaQuest to negotiate peace. 13. Check Six (planning stages) - Romance brings both happiness and pain to an unforgettable day of shore leave as an old enemy's long laid plans are set in motion. 14. Safe Harbour (planning stages) - Doctor Levin, Lucas and Beth come into violent conflict with the giants of the shipping world after they persuade the UEO to designate their study area a no shipping zone. As the situation escalates, and the seaQuest is sent to patrol the strait, the two teams have to pull together to prevent an ecological disaster. 15. Home Port (planning stages) - Commander Keller and Tobias LeConte return with a grave warning - the Kraytaks have Earth in their sights. Together with the crew of the seaQuest, UNIT and NASA, they must work fast to prevent the destruction of the planet. Others - Challenges (ongoing) - These are a selection of very short drabbles written as a response to word and lyric prompts. Some are based on my stories, some are completely random. Each challenge is posted as a separate chapter and I'll update as new ones are written. If anyone is interested, I also really enjoy making seaQuest graphics. Mostly IM Avatars, but I've started branching out into wallpapers and such like. They're all posted at my graphics journal here - http:// Please leave a comment if you snag anything for personal use, give credit and don't pass it off as your own - thanks! |