Author has written 10 stories for Bleach, In Plain Sight, Mercy Thompson series, Covert Affairs, Fatal Frame, and Sherlock. I am a scientist by education, but like everyone else here, I love to write. (I tried to integrate those two loves; it did not go well. Why does convention dictate that fascinating research be rendered as dry and unapproachable as humanly possible?!) I write more original fiction than fanfiction, but I've found that using someone else's universe and remaining true to it is an engaging challenge. That, and the stories won't leave me alone. :) My favorite authors include (but are not limited to): CS Lewis, Robin McKinley, Brandon Sanderson, Patricia Briggs, and Jane Austen. I read voraciously, given half a chance. I don't watch movies much, but thanks to Hulu I do watch TV - I like crime shows (NCIS and Psych particularly) and Sci Fi (Firefly and Fringe -- Walter Bishop is on my list of favorite characters ever, but I'm not nearly good enough to write him yet). I have barely dipped my toes into the world of anime. When it comes to fanfic, I like to read about non-romantic relationships. Not exclusively, of course, but I don't think parents, best friends and siblings get the attention they deserve a lot of the time. Also, I like to feel that it is at least possible for a character to be happy. Beyond that, I'm open. Well, I guess that's it. Enjoy the stories, and please, please comment. What worked, what didn't work, what you liked, what you hated... I want to know what you think. Thanks. NOTE: Taking a bit of a break lately; real life getting in the way of fun. Dagger Bitten is just about wrapped up - I'll haul the last little bit onto the site as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience, and for your support. Like everyone else, I own only my original ideas -- the worlds and characters I borrow are property of their respective authors. |
ArcTheJedi (5) Solstice Zero (60) | Storymaster Caith (38) YamiPaladinofChaos (321) |