![]() Author has written 10 stories for Gakuen Alice, Divergent Trilogy, and Maid Sama!. Call me Michele here! I'm a nursing student who gets away from reality once in a while through the world of fanfiction. Very open to talk to anyone so if you want to chit-chat (or maybe ask me about my fanfics or just anything basically) give me a heads up by sending me a message! :) E-mail: gooseplains@ Writing. It's something I do because I love it and it gives me a home away from reality. I just love the feel of my fingers typing against the keys of my laptop and just putting myself in what I wrote. It's kind of amazing when I see my imagination translated into pages of words and it feels soooo satisfying when others are able to enjoy it as well. Why fanfics? It starts with addiction to some tv show, anime/manga and books. But there will come a time when you can never get enough from reality and you will turn to the world of fanfiction! Plus, it helps me cope up with the loss when it ended. I've been around FFN for about a decade now and so many things have changed! One-shots: Yours (Gakuen Alice) The Time I Became A Flower (Gakuen Alice) - this one has a prequel Lollipop (Maid-sama!) Hiraeth (Maid-sama!) - this one has a sequel Loud (Maid-sama!) Multi-chaptered: Crossing Boundaries (Divergent Trilogy) - status: indefinite hiatus but I will surely get back to it and finish it! Tadaima (Maid-sama!) - sequel to Hiraeth; status: alive and well haha Discontinued: Our Graffito (Gakuen Alice) - I might continue this one...but don't have plans as of now. Days of Full Blossom (Gakuen Alice) - prequel of The Time I Became A Flower [Funny(?) info: Gakuen Alice fics are from my fetus days as a fanfic writer HAHA] |