Our little group of friends sat huddled around a picnic table in the snow covered park. We had all met up on Christmas Eve to exchange presents but we all agreed on spending the holiday with our families so our full group hadn't spoken in three days. Tobias and I were squished together; his arm around my shoulder as I blew over my hot chocolate making sure I didn't burn my tongue like Uriah had minutes ago.

"Go over this for me one more time so I can know for sure whether or not to slap you." Christina said from across the table.

I sighed lifting my eyes to meet seven interested gazes and hear Lynn groan. Again. "Tobias and I weren't really dating. What part of that is so confusing?"

"That's what I want to know!" Lynn said throwing her arms up.

She was ignored per usual. "What the hell Tris! Why didn't you tell me?" Christina said angrily.

"Because you can't keep a secret?" I respond drinking my hot coco.

"I can too!"

"No you can't!" Uriah said laughing at her. "Remember when we played truth or dare and everyone agreed to not say anything and then the next day you went around blabbing all our secrets to everyone who'd listen? Because I sure remember it." Christina blushed profusely and pursed her lips in response. Uriah laughed before turning to me. "But still Tris, that was a pansycake move."

"Pansycake?" Tobias asks from beside me, his body shaking with silent laughter.

"Yes. It's an offensive word." He replies nodding enthusiastically.

"What are you, twelve?" Marlene asks him laughing.

"Hey that's mean! I'm twelve and a half!" Uriah says happily.

"Hey, let's look at the bright side." Zeke says rubbing his brother's head. "I still won the bet."

"Uggghhh." Uriah groans. "You guys couldn't have held out another two weeks?" He asks directing the question at Tobias more than me.

"Nope." He says before hugging me tighter, causing me to blush.

"Ugh. You two are sickeningly cute." Lauren scoffs over her coffee.

"You're just jealous 'cause you don't have a boyfriend." Lynn smirks at her.

"Neither do you!" Lauren screeches back.

"Who says I want one."

"Who says I want one?"

"You do. Every five minutes. Hey, Peter does the same. Interested?"

The rest of us laugh as Lauren seethes at the younger girl. "Beatrice!" I turn to see my brother waving at me, his other arm wrapped securely around Susan's waist. I wave back at him and he goes back to talking to Susan.

After years of the two obviously liking each other, Caleb kissed her on Christmas morning with a little help from me and Robert throwing mistletoe at them until they kissed. My family and the Blacks have always spent Christmas morning together as far as I can remember with Tobias showing up a couple times and this year was no exception. Caleb wasn't very happy with me at first but I think he's forgiven me. Now all that's left is to get Robert a girlfriend.

"Hey Laren, if you're interested, my neighbor Robert is single." I say, grinning when she points her finger at me and glares.

"Not a word Prior."

I put my hands up in surrender and make the universal, 'my mouth is zipped and I've thrown away the key sign' before snuggling closer to Tobias to try to warm my face against is shoulder.

"Hey." His deep voice vibrates through me where we're touching and I shiver before looking up. He kisses my nose lightly and grins at me. "You look like Rudolph."

"Shut up." I laugh burying my face back into his shoulder.

And to think all this became possible because of my agreeing to fake date Tobias. I'm fairly certain fake dating isn't meant to lead to actually dating, but I'm fine with this exception.

A/N- HAPPY NEW YEAR. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. MAY YOUR 2014 ROCK AND THANK GOD THIS STORY IS OVER. Sorry this epilogue is so short but I didn't know what else to write. NOW. THANK YOU to every single one of you who has read, reviewed and enjoyed this story, whether you were with it since the beginning (IT TOOK ME A FREAKING YEAR TO FINISH THIS. SHIT) or the last chapter, thank you for bothering to read anything of mine at all. Hell, even if you hate this story and think it's the stupidest thing you've ever read, you took your time to read something you hated. That takes commitment. AND THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO REVIEWED. OVER 1000 REVIEWS. I NEVER THOUGHT ANY OF MY STORIES WOULD EVER BE SO POULAR. EVER. I CRIED LAST TIME I CHECKED HOW MANY I HAD. You're all so wonderful and I'm so undeserving. Whenever I feel down I read through the reviews you guys leave me because they're all so wonderful. Thank you all for giving me the inspiration to finish this story. I for one am GLAD it's done. I know not all of you will feel the same, but if anyone has read this far, I was thinking of something for you guys to think about me doing. There have been parts where you guys have wanted to know what other people were thinking, so what if I did a 'MFB Outtakes' where it's short scenes in other people's POVs. Just an idea. Anyway, this got sooo long but I'm just so thankful for you all. For some of you, this may be the last time you hear
(read) me say this, but for some, you may read it my other works (past and future) if you're interested. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Bye-bye.