![]() Author has written 3 stories for Star Fox, Metro 2033, and My Little Pony. Well my oh my, it has been a hell of a ride, but I'm back. I have an update for Forever Dark coming up, I'm getting rid of that horridly written monstrosity of a MLP fic I got, and because of my love for Star Fox, am leaving those. As far as an update schedule since I'm back? No. Go away, you get no schedule. Just know I will be writing, and now updating every few months or so. Also. I may just take a step into the fantasy light, the world of mages and warriors, paladins and warlocks. I don't know, I would have to poll for that after I get back rolling along. Updated: April 6th, 2016 Date of the update below February 20th 2014 A bio for my characters from The New Beginning story I made. Name:William Joseph Danton, soon to be known as William J. Matoochen after marrying Alana Matoochen in the story. Age: 23 in the beginning of the story. Fur (Which everyone seems to get wrong for some reason) Completely black but for a small white ring around his nose and the tip of his tail (Tail only having a ring just before the tip, the tip itself not being white)... ONLY THOSE TWO PARTS ARE WHITE! NOT HIS EYEBROWS OR TOES OR SOME OTHER SPOT! (must put emphasis or people with get the wrong image and stuffs -.-) Personality: Loyal, calm, collected, easy tempered under extremely tense situations. When confronted with a dilemma involving the injury or possible death of a friend he locks up, of course not wanting to bring harm upon them. When given the option on a mission, he will kill. If he can't, he will find a way. Fox of course knows this and has come to learn when he will react in this way, accurately denying attempts that are unneeded. Even with this very frontal assault style of fighting, whether in fisticuffs or in a firefight, he will always plan his attack, which he has gotten down to a split-second science. He does not need time to look over the battlefield, just a simple glance can give him a competitive edge and a good plan, as long of course as he knows the enemy. When presented with a bit... Too much, anger can build. Slowly it will engulf him until he's in an uncontrollable bloodrage. Even single things can do this, like the death of one close. Skills and Equipment: He carries an Colt M4 with EOTech Holographic sight and bipod foregrip. His signature weapon, his MK.23 pistol, which his father had specially made in silver with cherry red wood grips is his number 1 carry, and he will always prefer using it when he can. He has become so proficient with this weapon that even at 150 yards he can, given time for precise shots, get a 6/8 shot hit/shot ratio. His next weapon was gifted to him from Fox only a day with being in the team. While unexplained where it came from, Fox had given him a silver Desert Eagle .50 cal. (Nothing more should be said XD) His last weapon is an MP5. However, it becomes unusable after entering the StarFox universe do to Will landing full force onto the barrel of the weapon, bending the tip out of shape. While it is an easy fix, he never bothered getting it repaired, and still has the original ammo for it to this day. (this day being around his 50th year of age.(in my "who are they" fic)) Bio: Fast, lightning reflexes, and very agile, being able to climb his way into high places with ease. Given time he becomes happy to be a pilot, but happier on the ground where he can see everyone. He soon finds a love interest, Alana Matoochen, and unknown to him (in the beginning), she feels the same way. They soon fall in love and have a daughter. Hobbies: Unknown. Nick name: Willis, although it remains unused. (until Running Renassiance) Alana: Age:24 when she joins the group. Personality: Loving, Caring, motherly almost. She has a dark side, but keeps it well contained. Hobbies: Cuddling with Will, playing with Kita and Sarah, or working on her Arwing. Nick name: None. Sarah: Age:6 Personality: Happy-go-lucky, and secretive. likes to act as cool as possible, even in the toughest of situations, like her father and mother. Hobbies: Hanging out with her secret crush, Marcus. Playing with Kita, and flying an Arwing. Nick name: Flix. (Only used by her father.) As stated before, she has a secret crush on Marcus. Her one close friend is her loyal dog, Kita (And my loyal dog... I love my Kita.), her one true passion, along with Marcus, is flying. Her life was focused around flying not as something her father wanted her to do, but because of her fashination about flying. She has loved it since she was born. |